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  • #23217
    Guitar Expert

    Scratch Pad, a non-adhesive, removable finish protector for your guitar is now available to purchase.

    Demonstration of the Scratch Pad.

    According to the Scratch Pad website, “it can easily be applied, removed and re-applied to another instrument in seconds.”

    It goes onto say that “Scratch Pad’s multi-layered design shields your instruments from the scratches, dings and impact-divots which are caused by belt buckles, buttons, zippers, snaps, pocket rivets and… the abrasive effect of denim. Scratch Pad’s patented ‘Micro-Pore Copolymer’ material allows Scratch Pad to cling gently to your instrument Without the use of adhesives, elastic bands, vinyl films, snaps or attachments of any kind.”

    Colors available include Black valvet, Tyrol Red, Royal Blue and Chestnut.

    You can find out more on the Scratch Pad at http://www.scratchpadusa.com/

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