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  • #21926
    Guitar Expert

    Me again, as usual, with my latest movie/tablature/midi lesson. The last few have been a little advanced, so this week I’ve prepared a nice, straight forward finger style rendition of ‘Blowin’ in the Wind’. I arranged a semi-classical version … a sort of plucked approach to merging bass-line, melody line and chord fragments. Next week I’ll do more of a rolling picking version around exactly the same chord shapes and you’ll see how easy it is to alter the feel of any piece of music, once you know its structure.

    Go to Guitar for Beginners and Beyond … you know the routine: look for the Weekly Lesson link.

    Here is some recent feedback about my book, this time from Jason in the UK:

    “Thank you! Downloaded the book, and felt a right numbskull for overlooking such a simple concept. I’ve played for about 19 years now, and this is the first idea that has really brought the fretboard together for me … Thanks, man.

    … you’re most welcome, Jason. He is, of course, referring to PlaneTalk – The Truly Totally Different Guitar Instruction Book, the book that teaches you the simple, bare bones ‘trick’ to seeing (literally) the whole fretboard as friendly territory. It comes with The Guitar Slide Rule which crytallizes in an instant this all powerful visualization technique. You need never get lost again! Once you become a bona fide PlaneTalker, you get to join the private PlaneTalker Discussion Forum where we discuss music, the PlaneTalk way of thinking and playing the guitar at length. We’re a happy, civilized bunch.

    The Slide Guitar Forum is becoming busier and busier, so drop in there if you’re at all interested in the most fun and scariest sounding way of playing guitar: slide.

    OK, until next week, this is me, signing off … over and out.

    Kirk Lorange

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