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  • #25898

    Full Disclosure: I am not the person running this kickstarter, but I am one of its backers and have met the organizer in person.

    So there’s a new Kickstarter running, for an app called “Music Guru”. Its intention is to teach people how to play Guitar (and a few other instruments) using computer software as a learning aid. It can be found at Kickstarter, under the name “Music Guru” http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1617186229/music-guru. If you want to fund it, that’s cool. If not, no biggie; I don’t have any financial stake in the project. What I’m really hoping for is to generate suggestions. What sorts of ideas would make this project more awesome? What sorts of features are a waste of time? Etc. Anyway, thanks for any feedback you can supply!


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  • Author
    • #79408

      ‘sake don’t even remember fixing that but no problem! Apparently I can still mod when I’m wasted, whoop!

    • #79436

      [quote=”Slacker G”]I play by ear (Both of them)[/quote]

      :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

    • #79428
      Slacker G

      Thanks Tim

      It works now. I think your project may even help some beginners that I am trying to assist with the basics. They are so green that they need basic chord formations A-G and the chords used in specific keys. Simple stuff, but some of them can’t surf the net very well, so this would be a good place to send them.

      I’m a finger picker and am interested in techniques for finger picking. Wondering if you will get around to that. I play by ear (Both of them) just like I type … two fingers at a time 🙂 Yeah I know. But it’s early in the morning.

    • #79412

      URL fixed.

      Not checked this out yet (it’s late and I’m tired! but I shall…)

    • #79454
      Slacker G

      What kind of link is that??? I cut and pasted it and I ended up in Google with about a dozen links to this project. Whenever I would click on one of the Google links it ended up bringing me right back here to your post.

      A never ending circle of crap that I have come to know and love at Google.

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