7 String 7B Tuning Bar Chords

This week I’m still trying to make amends for the old 7A bias (you will be pleased to know that I now spend equal time with each tuning) with this group of bar chords.

Try replacing your tired old major & minor bars with these cool voicings…they will also help develop the stretch somewhat.

The names could do with some explanation though:

Am add9 =Aminor plus the 9th(B) from the Aminor scale

Gmajor add9 =Gmajor plus the 9th(A) from the Gmajor scale

Am b6 =Aminor plus the 6th note(F) of the Aminor scale

Gmajor6 =Gmajor plus the 6th note(E) of the Gmajor scale


Theory books tell us that the third note of a minor scale is called a b3,the minor scale’s sixth note = b6th and the minor scale’s seventh= b7th. This is because by comparison to those selfsame notes in the Major scale ( the 3rd, 6th and 7th), they are one semitone (1 fret) flat – if this doesnt make sense, then go and learn these scale shapes. This explains the name of the Minor b6th chord…but you might well be asking why the common Minor 7th chord is not known as a Minor b7th ( after all, its 7th note is flattened by comparison to its major scale counterpart)?

Additionally, there is another version of a Minor sixth- that is the Minor 6th chord e.g Am6 {ACEF#}. Notice that this chord’s 6th originates from the A major scale (or the A Dorian Mode)!

I reckon the Aminor b6th should be called Am6 and the current Am6 chord should be renamed Amin (maj6) or Am #6. Either way, I hope this has cleared any confusion…

By the way, the Chainsong is well underway and should be ready for public scrutiny shortly…

Recommended Listening: Mark Knopfler “Wild Theme live”

7B Bar Work

By Guy Pople, our 7 String Guy

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