MDX Soundlabs

“This Place is a Fully interactive Website dedicated to the Self Design of any Guitar…It features Java Chat to Contact The Builder (myself) and an interactive Java Design Both where the user can initiate Templates of Standard (popular) style body’s, or design a New original Body style.

Iam a Dedicated Custom Guitar builder with links throughout the Music Community” – Dwight Maddox, West Point, Mississippi.

7 thoughts on “MDX Soundlabs”

  1. Still there?
    Dwight Listmayer

    Hi, I think this site is great, but haven’t seen anything new in awhile. Anybody know what’s happening. Just hope all is well.

    Regards, Strat Man Dwight (Canada’s Strat Man)

    1. Re: Gibson Firebird

      : Hi,
      : I was wondering if anyone had designed a gibson firebird style of guitar and had the design plans with measurements. I’m also left-handed so don’t know if that makes a difference???
      : Hope to hear from you soon
      : Thanks
      : Tom

      1. Re: Gibson Firebird
        Ryan Reeves

        I was wondering the same thing and I found a websit called You should check it out It may take a while because they ship from Australia but they make gibson usa style guitars that have stopped production or were never produced at all They also have a beatles style rickenbacker guitar and an ibanez rg style guitar and i dont know if they will put it up again but they had a doubleneck guitarcalled the DN-66

    2. Re: This popular thread has been given its own page :... Tom Gillard
      Tom Gillard

      I was wondering if anyone had designed a gibson firebird style of guitar and had the design plans with measurements. I’m also left-handed so don’t know if that makes a difference???
      Hope to hear from you soon

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