Nova Giulianiad

A formidable and important German guitar publication – was also in hard copy for many years, now an online E-zine and resource. Earlier Hard copy stuff now archived on the site. Great for guitarists of all styles, a vast resource of interviews and links.

22 thoughts on “Nova Giulianiad”

    1. Re: Nova Electric Guitars

      I definitly wouldnt recomend them. There built strong, but thats where it ends. Its easily knocked out of tune, the tone controls are minimal and the pick-ups suck ass. If you have an awsome amplifier then maybe this would be a good practice guitar, but for the price you could definitly get a better electric.

    2. Re: Nova Electric Guitars

      they sound like you sreaming when your constipated. so i wouldn’t recommend it, and they sell them at Sears. they don’t even sell good clothes there. i bought my dad cologne and he brought it back for **** SAKES. so i wouldn’t recommend

    1. Re: This popular thread has been given its own page :... Susanne MacDonald
      Susanne MacDonald

      I am trying to find a distributor for Nova acoustic guitars, adn am not having much luck!! I purchased an inexpensive acoustic Nova, Model 3901 from Sears about 1 1/2 years ago. The strings (steel, I’m told by an "expert") should not be used on this particular guitar and they are pulling the bridge off and have cracked the guitar and the repairs would cost more than the guitar is worth! So, I am trying to locate the company, so that I can get a refund or at least get the guitar fixed for my son who is just learning to play.

  1. lm;fmbfd;d;bn;dklmbkgldbnm;cgBnfd;kNB dfk;nbkbng;b;bn;kfnbdl;knbdflknblkcbndlkbnldkfbsfbkl;gndblkgnbflkblfdkgnbklgdfnbldfknbdflkbndfbkndfblkdnbflknblknbflknfdbl/nbdL?Fbndbl/dfkb

    lkbfnlfdknbbn fuck off!!!!! under stand?

  2. nova electric guitar

    i am looking for some information on the nova electric guitar..
    i have just purchased one and am learning to play.
    i would apreciate any help i can get
    thank you

    1. Re: nova electric guitar

      Yeah I have to agree w/ Ben Tank…I bought one…and it sounded like a train de-railing..I couldnt even learn on I said "fuck this" and went and bought a Fender…and Ive been good since heh..oh..the amp I got with it was a peice of shit too…

        1. Re: nova electric guitar
          Monkey dog

          Nova a pretty googd name the electrics are said to have the strongest necks, I have an electric-accoustic nova and it plays like a dream.

        2. Re: nova electric guitar
          Lawrence Valiquette

          : i ahve just purchased a nova guitar and i want to know the quality and how good they are thanks.

          I BELIEVE they are a Sears guitar but made by yamaha and the quality is great for the price………in fact couldn’t do better for the price.(my opinion only)

        3. Re: nova electric guitar

          I just got a nova and I find that they are fine general use guitars but they are a bit tempermantal when tuning depending on what strings you use and they are made in china…unless the box lies…

      1. Re: This popular thread has been given its own page :... S ZIMMERMAN

        : hello
        : i am looking for some information on the nova electric guitar..
        : i have just purchased one and am learning to play.
        : i would apreciate any help i can get
        : thank you


  3. Nova Giulianiad
    Claude Bishop

    I was delighted to find the nova giulianiad website. Since I’ ve had the pleasure of visiting this site on several occasions. I must say it is nice to see it continually developing and growing into a major landmark (well, virtual landmark) for Giuliani, the guitar and the lute!
    It’s getting better and better and I am sending now all my guitar students to learn from the Nova Giulianiad website.
    I have it bookmarked and will continue to check it periodically for updated information. Nova Giulianiad is doing a great service with this, and those of us who love the guitar and lute are grateful for Nova Giulianiad’s hard work and enthusiasm.
    I feel one hundred percent with Nova Giulianiad’s convictions concerning the guitar and lute importance and revelations!

    I have been studying classical guitar for over nine years and have started branching out into the performance phase of my career. I made a personal rule to myself, anytime, no matter where I am playing, what my repertoire is, or whom my audience is, I will always institute at least one piece of music by Mauro Giuliani to perform. I know this may sound naïve, but I realized: I play the guitar for myself, and I love Giulianis music.

    One more time thanks for this wonderful, excellent nova giulianiad site!

    1. Re: Nova Giulianiad
      årige Carlo Giuliani var det första dödsoffret sedan anti-globaliseringsrör

      Hundratals människor samlades i dag för att begrava Carlo Giuliani, den 23-åring som sköts till döds av polisen vid G8-mötet i förra veckan.
      – Låt oss i Carlos namn försöka stå enade och säga nej till våld, sa den dödes far.
      23-årige Carlo Giuliani var det första dödsoffret sedan anti-globaliseringsrörelsen på allvar tog fart i Seattle 1999. Han var också den förste på nästan 25 år som dödats i samband med en demonstration i Italien, skriver AP.
      På en kyrkogård i Genua hade i dag flera hundra människor samlats för att följa Carlo Giuliani till hans sista vila.
      – I sitt korta liv har Carlo gett oss många olika saker, sa 23-åringen far, som var påtagligt rörd, till de församlade.

      Spontan applåd
      Kistan var svept i fotbollslaget Romas flagga, men inga blommor förekom vid den icke-religiösa ceremonin. När Carlo Giulianis vänner lyfte hans kista genom människohopen, utbröt en spontan applåd som varade i en hel minut.
      Några höll upp en knuten näve i luften, andra ropade den dödes namn.
      – Carlo, du kommer alltid att finnas i våra hjärtan, hördes en röst ropa när kistan sänktes ner i graven.

      Sköts av polis
      Carlo Giuliani dödades av polis i fredags, i samband med de värsta kravallerna vid G8-mötet i Genua. Polismannen som sköt honom har åtalats misstänkt för dråp.
      Till minne av sonen har 23-åringens föräldrar öppnat ett konto där folk kan sätta in pengar till bland annat unga människor i fattiga länder eller enskilda organisationer som försvarar utsatta människor.

  4. Nova Giulianiad (Saitenblätter für die Gitarre und Laute). Dedicated to the guitar and lute.
    Jan Boraska

    Nova Giulianiad ist eine Wucht!
    Ich bin einer der Glücklichen, die die in Hardcover 1983-1988 erschienenen Hefte seinerzeit erworben, mit Feuereifer verschlungen und bis heute bewahrt haben. Toll, daß Kostproben von Nova Giulianiads Saitenblättern jetzt auch im Internet zur Verfügung stehen und Nova Giulianiad offensichtlich als E-zine weitergeführt wird. Das freut mich sehr!
    Das ist ein Magazine/E-zine mit allem über die Gitarre und die Laute, was das Herz nur begehren kann: Berichte über wichtige Gitarrenereignisse, Interviews mit bedeutenden Persönlichkeiten wie Oscar Ghiglia, José Tomás, Angelo Gilardino, Hermann Reutter, Jürgen Hübscher, Wolfgang Lendle, Hubert Käppel, Luise Walker, Ruggero Chiesa, Mario Sicca u.a., Artikel und Reflexionen berühmter Komponisten und Musikwissenschaftler wie Helmut Lachenmann, Erhard Karkoschka, Diether de la Motte, Klaus Hinrich Stahmer, Yuval Shaked, Klaus Feßmann, Analysen zeitgenössischer Werke (u.a. Brouwer’s "La Espiral Eterna", Anton von Weberns Gitarrenwerke, Michael Tippetts "The Blue Guitar"), Interpretationsfragen, Spieltechniken (u.a. Barré, Vibrato), Musik und Technik, Tips & Tricks, Neuentwicklungen im Gitarrenbau, aktuelle musikpolitische Probleme, Notensupplemente und sogar "Gitarren-Belletristik" (Gitarrenlyrik, Gitarrennovellen). Alles, was mit den Instrumenten Gitarre und Laute, wenn auch manches Mal nur lose, zusammenhängt, ist Gegenstand von Nova Giulianiad. Ohne "Scheuklappendenken" – wie es der Herausgeber und Redakteur Joerg Sommermeyer einmal in einem Nova Giulianiad Editorial formuliert hat – werden Gitarristen und Lautenisten nicht nur in ihrem eigenen originären Bereich grundlegend und umfassend informiert, sondern auch in "die Lage versetzt über ihre Saiten möglichst weit hinauszublicken".

    Herzliche Grüße

    Jan Boraska

    1. cd review.
      George Hadjimarkou

      Dear Sir/Madam,

      I am a classical guitarist and would like to get some comments from your magazine about my new CD for solo classical. Please tell me how this would be done and any other necessary information.

      Sincerely yours,
      George Hadjimarkou

  5. Nova Giulianiad
    George Mesmer


    there are quite a number of sites out there but Nova Giulianiad was really impressive in that it had lots to offer. This is a way cool site and easy to follow, very good layout. A fine page indeed, one of the best I have visited so far. I’ve never found this much useful information about guitar and lute in one place! I really enjoyed the visit. Thanks for the experience. Keep up the good work!

    Best wishes
    George Mesmer

  6. Nova Giulianiad
    Jakob Bauer

    Hi folks,
    I’m from Germany and I must say, that Nova Giulianiad is really a great E-zine. Joerg Sommermeyer – who runs it – is incredibly diverse; his other home pages deal with German/European constitutional and criminal law, as well as his fiction writing, music articles and record liner notes. He has studied law, classical guitar, musicology, literature – and still has time for rock
    and blues as well. A must-see if you can read German (and fascinating enough to make you want to learn it if you don’t).
    Joerg runs a second Nova Giulianiad-index (
    There I’ve got my new free E-Mail-Account!
    Best wishes
    Jakob Bauer

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