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  • #22708
    Guitar Expert

    by Dirk Hagemann

    The word Arpeggio means “broken chord”. Because if you play an
    Arpeggio, you don´t strum all strings when you play a chord, you pick
    each one individually. One note after the other. Advanced Arpeggios
    are like “Sweep-picking”, a technique used by many fast Heavy Metal
    guitar players. But we start with more simple Arpeggios.

    Lets start with the C-Major chord shown below.


    Hold the chord the whole time and then start to pick each note (include
    the emtpy strings too!). Play every note, use the picking hand in a
    smooth movement, in single up- or down-strokes.

    Start with downstrokes (d or v), then use upstrokes (d or ^).

        d  d  d  d  d  d  u  u  u  u  u

    Now, lets play a 2 chord arpeggio using C and D chords.

        d  d  d  d  d  d  u  u  u  u  u     d  d  d  d  d  u  u  u  u

    In the next lesson we have several Arpeggios so you can practice this
    technique until you can play it smooth and fast. But don´t rush, start
    slow at first and keep attention to your up- and downstrokes while you
    play your Arpeggios!

    For more exercises and GuitarPro files for this lesson visit:

    From the 12-Bar-Blues, the Shuffle Rythm and the Blues Turnarounds to
    the Blues and Pentatonic Scale, to Lead Guitar techniques, Slide guitar
    lessons and more. For each Lesson there are images or GuitarPro files
    and midis to listen to. Each lesson can be downloaded as textfile.
    PLUS: mp3 Blues Backing Tracks/Jam Tracks and Ebooks!

    You might also like to read our roundup of Blues Amplifiers

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  • Author
    • #65799

      Arpeggio is from a Italian word that means ‘to play on the harp’ and dates from the 18th Century. If you think about melodies typically played on a harp it makes sense.

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