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  • #23374
    Guitar Expert

    Hi, fellow twanger, I’m back yet again.

    Kirk’s Weekly Guitar Lesson

    About 35 years ago (I was in my early twenties, twanging away on my nylon string, headed for what I thought was going to be a life of playing classical guitar) a tune floated out of my radio and stopped me dead in my tracks. It was James Taylor’s ‘Fire and Rain’ and for the first time, a classical approach was being applied to steel strings. There were plenty of steel string finger-pickers around, playing folksy rolling patterns, wearing finger-picks and a thumb pick, but until then, bare fingered orchestral style playing had been the realm of nylon string, not steel. JT changed all that with Fire and Rain. He sure changed my direction as a young player. I went out pretty much the next day and bought my first steel string …

    This week’s lesson is the intro and verse sections of the tune, a challenging piece for anyone … except JT, I guess!

    Click here to go to this week’s lesson

    If you’re looking for advice in any aspect of guitar playing, recording, composition, theory, hardware, software — anything at all — you won’t do better than the GfB&B Forum. Membership just passed the 15,000 mark, growing every day. We recently installed the GfB&B Radio, featuring recordings from me and three other seasoned members … 70 tunes in all. Drop in, tune in and peruse the site! Guaranteed to inspire and motivate.


    PlaneTalk – The Truly Totally Different Guitar Instruction Book

    I won’t go into a long winded promo for my book PlaneTalk this week … suffice it to say that if you’re beyond the beginners stage and you’re now wondering what the trick is to seeing the whole fretboard as friendly territory at all times, no matter how tricky the music seems to be … visit the PlaneTalk site and read all about it. There IS an underlying constant, something that everything — chords, riffs, scales, licks, modes, double stops, harmony, improvised lines, solos, intervals, minor, major, diminished, augmented — everything, refers back to.

    The book comes with a slide rule, DVD and a private forum where we discuss the simple yet all-powerful technique.

    Visit the site here; read some testimonials here

    By the way, this is not for beginners, this is for the ‘beyonds’.


    Slide Guitar in Standard and Dropped D Tunings

    I’m waiting for the first batch of finished DVDs to arrive back from Taiwan … they said two weeks, it’s been one week, so I can only assume that I’ll be able to announce in the next GNW that the DVD is ready and available. Fingers crossed!

    OK, until next week, that’s it from me! Enjoy the lesson.


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