Jimi Hendrix Conspiracy Theory – Follow Up

Last week we ran a story entitled “Jimi Hendrix Conspiracy Theory?” in which Barry Levene provided a “review” of a yet to be released DVD in which Noel Redding who was the bass player for the Jimi Hendrix Experience apparently talked about the possibility that Hendrix was murdered.

If you haven't read the original story then go to Jimi Hendrix Conspiracy Theory?

At the time we mentioned that we couldn't find any background information on Barry Levene or its producer Will Scally, so I emailed Barry and asked him for more information – I particularly wanted a link to a web site so we could find out more about the people involved.

Here is the reply we received:

Hi Jason,

Thank you for your interest on the Jimi Hendrix piece that was sent to you. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you but I have only just found your email sitting in my junk box.

The theory that Hendrix may have been murdered is not new and has been around for sometime, it did not originate from myself. Will Scally who interviewed Noel bought this question up, I expected Noel to shrug it off, I was surprised when he answered that its “not improbable” he then goes into more detail.

Although Noel gave many many interviews over the years (most can be found on YouTube) this one differs for a number of reasons – and its never been seen, he speaks openly about his time with the band, the music scene at that time, lack of payment and much more. A point of interest, towards the end of the interview he looks towards the window and says that he is waiting for Jack Bruce to arrive – was the tape rolling for that one? we will have to wait and see.

I am currently in the process of arranging some promotional Discs and will forward you a copy when done.

Once again thanks for your interest and time in helping to promote this Dvd.

THE REDDING EXPERIENCE release date to be confirmed.


Barry Levene

Whether or not Barry Levene is a genuine reviewer or a promoter of this yet to be seen DVD is unclear – what is clear is that his question “was the tape rolling for that one?” makes no sense given he's already seen the DVD.

8 thoughts on “Jimi Hendrix Conspiracy Theory – Follow Up”

  1. Re: Last week we ran a story entitled "Jimi Hendrix Conspiracy... Jimi Hendrix Conspiracy Theory – Follow Up
    Barry Levene

    In my letter to Jason I was giving a little taster of what is on the DVD. when I wrote ” towards the end of the interview he looks towards the window and says that he is waiting for Jack Bruce to arrive – was the tape rolling for that one? we will have to wait and see”. I never said the arrival of Jack Bruce or whatever took place was recorded, so I asked the question ” was the tape rolling” (followed by a question mark). I not feel that it makes no sense or a weird thing to say. Jason seems to be unclear whether I am a reviewer or promoter. In my reply I mentioned I was putting together some promotional discs and also gave thanks for his help in promoting the DVD – I feel that clearly states what my role is. Jason also wants to know if I am a genuine reviewer – I am left wondering what is a genuine reviewer?
    I feel that I am generating more interest then the DVD!! The web site is currently under construction and you will be notified when it is up and running as it will be of interest to readers of these pages.

    1. Sorry for the late reply....

      We’ve been very busy here the last few weeks with a major upgrade to our back-end systems (CMS), and I’ve been meaning to follow-up but have literally been working so hard that I haven’t had the chance to gather my thoughts long enough email back to you.

      Anyway – I appreciate you clarifying the situation.

      Please let us know when the website is up and running – I’m sure many people here will be looking forward to some original footage.


  2. Re: Last week we ran a story entitled "Jimi Hendrix Conspiracy... Jimi Hendrix Conspiracy Theory – Follow Up
    Doc Sigmier

    there was a very cheesy movie made by LoFi director extraordinaire Larry Buchanan back in the late 70s, that points the assassins finger at a super secret convert operations team set out to eliminatefor Hendrix/Morrison- who they say became a monk in France and died of cancer later/ and Joplin?!!! You gotta see this one …called “Beyond the Doors” and really hard to find, but it is out there…good hunting, the truth is out there!!!

      Ana Raquel Henriques

      Jimi Hendrix – Assassinado?? “Não é improvável” Diz Noel Redding…

      O nome Jimi Hendrix evoca os momentos mais alegres e selvagens que os anos 60produziram. Hendrix chegou, conquistou e levou o mundo da música ao seu auge, entrou nas nossas cabeças e deu os melhores espectáculos sobre o céu – Isto tudo aos 27 anos.

      A Experiência Jimi Hendrix, deixou-nos sem dúvidas, exactamente nisso – na Experiência.

      Um trio de músicos que se uniu vindo dos dois lados do Oceano Atlântico encontraram terreno comum e fama, mas não muita fortuna.

      Para Noel Redding, o baixista do grupo, a experiência não é para ser esquecida. Desde a morte de Hendrix há 40 anos atrás, muito está documentado acerca dele e da banda.

      Olhando para trás, para os anos 60, pensamos que estamos num mundo completamente diferente. Qualquer história relacionada com este período é dedicada á musica e á cultura. A experiência Jimi Hendrix teve a sua parte.

      A marcar isso mesmo é o DVD que está a ser produzido pela Discs International, descrevendo uma entrevista nunca publicada de Noel Redding, em sua casa na Irlanda em 1988.

      É fascinante, depois de tantos anos a vermos filmes e fotografias de Hendrix,Redding e Mitchell, encontramo-nos perante, não o que chamamos de lenda – mas sim uma pessoa simples a falar dos seus primeiros tempos com o grupo. Sem se tentar passar como uma das maiores estrelas de rock que o tempo já viu, tem uma conversa aberta e honesta. Ao ouvi-lo pensamos como é que eles conseguiram chegar ao topo.

      Perguntei ao Productor Will Scally quem teve o cuidado de fazer esta entrevista, de como tudo aconteceu:

      “Eu conheci e fui amigo do Noel por muitos anos e sempre o achei muito franco ehonesto. Nós frequentemente falavamos sobre fazer uma entrevista acerca da banda, do dinheiro, das drogas, da morte de Hendrix e muito mais – até falar da possibilidade de Hendrix ter sido assassinado. Ele estava em boa forma nesse dia e quis gravar isto simplesmente para a posterioridade”.

      Foi com tristeza que Noel Redding morreu em 2003, com 57 anos.

      Para todos os que estão interessados no Hendrix, Redding e na história de músicarock dos anos 60, este raro documentário visual não pode ser perdido.

      O DVD estará disponível no dia 6 DE DEZEMBRO de 201

      Ana Raquel Henriques

      1. I translated the post above using Goolge Translate

        Jimi Hendrix – Murdered? “It is not unlikely,” says Noel Redding …

        Jimi Hendrix The name evokes the most joyous moments and wild 60produziram year. Hendrix came, conquered and took the music world at his peak, came into our heads and gave the best shows on the sky – all this at age 27.

        The Jimi Hendrix Experience, left us in no doubt exactly that – the experience.

        A trio of musicians who have been joined on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean have found common ground and fame, but not much wealth.

        Noel Redding, bassist in the group, the experience is not to be forgotten. Since the death of Hendrix 40 years ago, much is documented about him and the band.

        Looking back at the ’60s, we think we are a completely different world. Any story related to this period is devoted to music and culture. Experience Jimi Hendrix had his share.

        The mark is just that the DVD is being produced by Discs International, describing an interview ever published by Noel Redding at his home in Ireland in 1988.

        It’s fascinating, after so many years to see movies and photos of Hendrix, Redding and Mitchell, we are facing, not what we call a legend – but a simple person to speak of his early days with the group. Without attempting to pass as one of the biggest rock stars of that time has seen, has an open and honest. Hearing him think how they managed to reach the top.

        Productor Will Scally asked who took care to do this interview, how it happened:

        “I met a friend of Noel and was for many years and always found him very candid ehonesto. We often talked about doing an interview about the band, money, drugs, Hendrix’s death and more – to discuss the possibility of Hendrix was murdered. He was in good shape on that day and simply wanted to record it for posterity. ”

        It was with sadness that Noel Redding died in 2003 aged 57.

        For all who are interested in Hendrix, Redding and history of músicarock ’60s, this rare documentary visual can not be lost.

        The DVD will be available on 6 DECEMBER 201

        Ana Raquel Henriques

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