Guitarsite Forums Guitar Discussion Acoustic Guitar Aria guitar Reply To: Aria guitar


If you put “aria acoustic” before the model number, things come up. Not much actual info (not too surprising, as I imagine it would be an ‘affordable’ acoustic), but some for sale to give you an idea of value.

This is a red 2R (I’m assuming your 2N is natural colour) listed at 700 Rand (~US$80) but I don’t know if this has sold and if it is, therefore, a realistic price.

A starting price of US $70 attracted no bids. Placed pretty much at what I expect is its value. A $1 start might have got up to $60-$70 as the auction ran.
reduced from $75 to $65

This thread suggests it has a plywood/laminate body, which also doesn’t surprise me. You’re looking around US$60 and my guess is manufacture in the region of late 1980s to 1990s.