Guitarsite Forums Discussion Popular Topics Epiphone Les Paul – Tuning problems Re: Epiphone Les Paul – Tuning problems


: Big thanks for all advice. I’ve restrung, used heavier gauge strings (including a wound G string) and now I know how to adjust the intonation. The guitar sounds a million times better. It has been an education. Thanks guys. We’re all happy to hear of your positive tuning results. That’s what it’s all about. If ALL that had not remedied it, there’s just one obscure thing that didn’t get mentioned along the line. Something we do for Jazz & Blues players with similar stop tail guitars, who bend or vibrato alot with their fingers – mainly on ES-335 type guitars. It gets the the job done when all else fails. We solder the bottom of the string where it wraps around the ball-end, called "tinning the string", prior to installing it. Only takes a little "tin" to stabilize any slipping within the structure of the string itself. It’s in an invisible spot where most people don’t think there could be trouble, but it can happen with really aggressive left hand (fingering) playing styles.