Guitarsite › Forums › Discussion › Monthly Discussion › Guitar Discussion Forum Archive – December, 2000 › Re: Need Your Help Before I Buy My First Strat
: Hello. I also have have big hands. The most comfortable Fender neck I’ve found is the SRV series.
I’m going to second the SRV for very comfortable to big hands. I tend to prefer Gibson necks as they’ve always just "fit" better. The SRV strat is more than 000, though. Maybe you should buy warmoth parts and built a strat to your specs (they’ll finish them for extra $ if you’re not a do-it-yourself-er) you could pick the wood for body, neck and fingerboard, etc., and get pickups you want like kinmans or fralins or lawrences. That way you could get a strat with a big comfy neck if you wanted, and probably spend within your price range. I had a guitar teacher who got a Warmoth body that looked (and sounded) really good (he just finished with tung oil, I think) I don’t know if the finishes they do are really great or not. Anyway, I would give it a look if I were you ( You couls get a nice chambered, quilted maple topped strat with a neck of your choice (about 13 choices I think) an ebony fretboard, etc., all you’d have to do is put it together, which is the easy part. I personally think that a lot of new fenders are overpriced (as are most guitars), and I think assembling your own would be cheaper, and more gratifying (I built one guitar, and although it’s not the best one I own at all, I’m still really proud). Do what you want though, that’s just my 2 cents.