Fender Acoustic Pro and Acoustic SFX Amplifiers

Fender expands their acoustic amplifier line with two new sleek looking amps, the Acoustic Pro and Acoustic SFX.

Fender Acoustic Pro
Fender Acoustic Pro

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These two new combo amplifiers have elegant looking woody aesthetics, and feature subtly different characters to cater to the varying needs of acoustic guitarists.

First thing you’ll notice is the sleek exterior design, a nice departure from the usual boxy look of combo amplifiers. Both amps have a unique curved front fascia with matching bent plywood sides and back, which put together results in a modern look that’s quite awesome in my opinion.

As expected from Fender, the two amps are not just about being pleasing to the eyes, more importantly they are designed to tickle your audience’ ears. The two models offer subtly different acoustic flavors with one being a straight forward loud amp, and the other having a true stereo speaker design with built in effects.

Fender Acoustic Pro

This 200-watt acoustic guitar amp is described as a true “audiophile amp”, focusing on clarity and volume. It has two channels that can handle guitars or microphones, with each channel having a 1/4″-XLR combo jack. This configuration makes it singer songwriter friendly, and can also work well for dual acoustic guitar setups.

Each of the two channels feature independent tone shaping knobs for adjusting low, mid, high and also has a sweepable midrange feature. There’s also an onboard hall reverb feature that can be independently adjusted for each channel. Other features include 12″ neodymium woofer, high-performance tweeter with crossover network, phase switches for reducing feedback, balanced line input, effects loop and Aux in Jack for playing along with your favorite tracks. If you’re looking for a straightforward workhorse acoustic amp, this can be worth considering.

Fender Acoustic SFX
Fender Acoustic SFX

Fender Acoustic SFX

This slightly quieter amp focuses on providing versatility and portability while still retaining good volume, incorporating a true stereo (2×80-watt) 160-watt amplifier circuit and built-in effects. This amp features a lightweight design that makes it easier for singer-songwriters to carry around, while having enough volume to fill small to medium sized venues via Fender’s “Stereo Field Expansion” technology.

Far from being straightforward, this amp comes with built-in reverb, echo, delay, chorus and Vibratone effects, which can all be applied to taste to your guitar signal or microphone signal. Solo performers can also use the Aux In Jack for playing backing tracks and other useful music. Wrapping up the Acoustic SFX’ features are feedback reducing phase switches, two universal channels that work for both mics and guitars, line output and a footswitch jack for hands-free control of bypassing the footswitch.

The two new Fender amps come with a switchable 100 to 240 volt operation to ensure that it will work wherever in the world you are performing. Fender concludes, “Whether someone is looking to play in a coffee shop, club or arena, each amp offers unique capabilities for every type of acoustic player.

Both the Acoustic SFX and Acoustic Pro amps are now available for pre-order, with a shipping date of October 8, 2015. For more information, you can visit Fender.

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