Guitarsite Forums Discussion Popular Topics Takamine 540 question

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  • #20786

    I was trying to decide between the SC and CRS styles. What I like about the CRS is that it has this great red gloss finish. However, the specs say that it’s deck is made of spruce…not solid spruce, just spruce. The SC, on the other hand, only comes in natural but it’s top is made of solid spruce. Would there be a huge disadvantage in getting the CRS spruce top over the SC solid spruce top?

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    • #87174

      : I was trying to decide between the SC and CRS styles. What I like about the CRS is that it has this great red gloss finish. However, the specs say that it’s deck is made of spruce…not solid spruce, just spruce. The SC, on the other hand, only comes in natural but it’s top is made of solid spruce. Would there be a huge disadvantage in getting the CRS spruce top over the SC solid spruce top? Response: It’s reasonable to assume that you will get different responses and different opinions. I like this site, and it’s people, for their views. My feeling is to go with the laminated spruce top in the high gloss red, which you already like. Solid spruce is supposed to sound better, but many Takamines feature non-solid tops, and if I were buying another Takamine, I would not buy solid. Solid tops can be hard to maintain, to keep at proper humidity and temperatures. They are more prone to shrinkage, lifting at the bridge and cracking. Then what have you got? My own Takamine was one of the first, 1970 or thereabouts. I used it and gave it away to a family member. All of it, including the laminate top is still like new, maybe better? I’d call it acclimatized. With proper care, that top isn’t going to fail. Also my 1971 Yamaha – same story. Bought it new, my son now plays it. It is excellent. Over the years I’ve had ’em all, Martins and Gibsons and Ovations and Washburns & others with solid tops and they’ve required constant attention & care, like a baby. Many of them didn’t make it – they cracked etc. and I don’t know or care where they are now. Though I still have 2 Gibson acoustics with solid tops, when I have to chose, I usually prefer my laminated Charvel, which to me, is alot like the Takamine you mention. Hope this helps. Strat Man Dwight

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