Guitarsite Forums Discussion Popular Topics Buying for a child

  • This topic has 5 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 23 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #19558

    Can somebody please advise what sort of guitar, what size etc. should I buy for a six year old kid who is just getting into her guitar lessons?

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    • #34092

      By popular demand, the 3/4 scale is the best for small hands, also light guage or nylon strings are easier to fret. If the kid isn’t comfortable with the guitar he or she won’t be as inclined to want to play.

    • #33889

      : Can somebody please advise what sort of guitar, what size etc. should I buy for a six year old kid who is just getting into her guitar lessons?

      I don’t know what your price range is but the Baby Taylor is about the best 3/4 size guitar. They cost about 00.00 but sound great and have a low action which is good for a beginner. It’s a quality product.

    • #33845

      : Musician’s Friend offers a great 3/4 acoustic guitar in different colors and it comes with removable stickers. Would probably be a great starter for a six-year old. I think it’s called a Girlrock, but don’t quote me on that.

    • #33839

      : Can somebody please advise what sort of guitar, what size etc. should I buy for a six year old kid who is just getting into her guitar lessons?

      You should get a 3/4, so called ‘student’ guitar. Like was mentioned, younger hands can’t play well on an adult size. Also, if you are goiung with an electric, buy one with a fixed bridge. This will make it easier for her to tune the guitar.

    • #33836

      I’d get a little one. My dad got my little brother a full-size for his 10th birthday, and he’s still waiting to "grow into it". A big one is just too frustrating for most people with little hands.

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