Guitarsite Forums Discussion Popular Topics Alvarez Acoustic Guitar, model 5065

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  • #20811

    I bought this guitar years ago, and I was wondering what its value is? Or where can I find out?

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    • #94583

      : I bought this guitar years ago, and I was wondering what its value is? Or where can I find out? I bought mine in the NAVY, while I was in Italy. In the 70’s. I am also trying to find the value and more. Now I have an 18 year that wants one too.

    • #111375

      : I bought this guitar years ago, and I was wondering what its value is? Or where can I find out? Reply: since there are 2 of you looking for this information now, and I have seen this posting/question before, might I recommend user’s forum at Lots of questions and answers there by Alvarez followers. Regards, Strat Man Dwight

    • #88406

      I am not sure… I have heard the Alvarez of that model are highly seeked. I too own a 5065 that was born on September 13th, 1977. It is in MINT condition, except that there is some permanent marker written on the back… the original gloss and everything is still perfect otherwise. I have been trying to learn more about it, what materials were used to make it, where perhaps it was originally sold – just any information. If you or anyone find, please e-mail me so I can learn more about it!

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