Guitarsite Forums Discussion Popular Topics 7-string chords

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  • #19663

    I just picked up an Ibanez 7-string guitar (rgx720), thought it would be cake to find out how to play the thing. . .had another thing coming. Anybody have any insight on 7-strings playing rock? Any chords? Something? Thanks.

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    • #86361

      : I just picked up an Ibanez 7-string guitar (rgx720), thought it would be cake to find out how to play the thing. . .had another thing coming. Anybody have any insight on 7-strings playing rock? Any chords? Something? Thanks. can u send me som pics of the chords …thanx

    • #83615

      I play my six string like a 7 string with no high E. It is tuned the same as a 7 string’s 6 biggest strings. I tune my lowest to A, next to E, and standard on up. That lets you play chords shaped very much like dropped D tuning (flat barr chords)and gives you a "KoRn" sound. Staind’s Mike Mushok uses his guitar like I do, but he has some different tunings he uses;Ab Eb Ab Db Gb Bb/ Ab Eb Bb Db Gb Bb(what I like to use tuned down half a step)

      • #93919

        wow i’m really pround of you man I think you’re just to fag to play with a 7. drop A sound like SHIT pure fucking SHIT Korn would laft on you if they see you dropping your guitar like that

    • #83428

      Never heard of it. I’m curious. Can you describe it? How is it tuned? Is it a regular guitar but with an extra string or what?

      • #83587

        i found out it’s tuned like a regular guitar, but the 7th string is tuned to a low A. The 7th is on the top, so ive just been ignoring it since i dont know how to play it. check out and look around for the rgx720 (that’s the one i got)

        • #114671

          i can find nothing on rgx720, whats up with that

        • #83760

          isn’t the 7th string usually tuned to a B??? I mean, you must be playing in Dropped tuning, coz that would mean that the last tree strings are tuned A, E, A, normally, that would be A, E, B,…right???

          • #84380

            Randy’s right. It’s supposed to be a B in regular E tuning. For the chords, you do the math. If you play an open E chord, but one string down (or up.. depending.. not A-minor but the other way..) you’ll find that the G-string sounds a bit weird (sound like.. a Bsus4).. should be Gflat, so.. you can use the regular positions and fingering, a string down ofcourse, but keep that G string in mind, coz it will turn your major chord into sus4 ! cheers !

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