Guitarsite Forums Discussion Popular Topics Guitar vs Guitarist

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  • #19898

    I am a college student writing an argumentative essay and am looking for feedback on my topic. "Does the quality of music come from the guitar or from the skills of the guitarist?" Is it the guitarist or the guitar that we enjoy? My view on this topic is that the guitarist creates the value of the music we hear. Please if you could provide input it would assist in clarifying this on-going argument….Thanks

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    • #54297

      1. the instrument is only a tool and can sound only as good as the quality of the player and instrument combined.

      2. A very good guitarist can sound good with any guitar but not as good as with a quality instrument.

      3. A poor guitarist will sound bad even with the best instrument and will sound just a little better with the most expensive.

      4. You have to learn how to play good before you can sound good.

    • #93700

      : I am a college student writing an argumentative essay and am looking for feedback on my topic. "Does the quality of music come from the guitar or from the skills of the guitarist?" Is it the guitarist or the guitar that we enjoy? My view on this topic is that the guitarist creates the value of the music we hear. Please if you could provide input it would assist in clarifying this on-going argument….Thanks

      • #110148

        : : I am a college student writing an argumentative essay and am looking for feedback on my topic. "Does the quality of music come from the guitar or from the skills of the guitarist?" Is it the guitarist or the guitar that we enjoy? My view on this topic is that the guitarist creates the value of the music we hear. Please if you could provide input it would assist in clarifying this on-going argument….Thanks

    • #93371

      No brainer. It comes from the player. I can take a piece of shit guitar, and play something very impressive on it, of course the Tonal quality will be better on a quality guitar, but the talent is in the player. You give a beginner a $4000 guitar, and it will still sound like shit.

    • #93241

      : I am a college student writing an argumentative essay and am looking for feedback on my topic. "Does the quality of music come from the guitar or from the skills of the guitarist?" Is it the guitarist or the guitar that we enjoy? My view on this topic is that the guitarist creates the value of the music we hear. Please if you could provide input it would assist in clarifying this on-going argument….Thanks your observation is correct. it is the player not the instrument. sound is so subjective though. some people think kiss had great guitar players. the real pro good players knew they could not play. but laymen thought it sounded good. so if you took the subjective out of the equation, and everyone liked the same thing, they would see it is the player not the equipment. can money buy talent? i read all the follow ups and cannot believe it. i have played guitar for 38 years and have learned 98% maybe 99% is the player not the guitar. fat clear tone helps with any music but lousy ability cannot be hidden. i have had many great guitars and some bad ones. the funny thing is that if i play a bad one without thinking about it’s condition, i am forced to play it differently and squeeze out any and everything it can deliver. if you had the choice, great equipment or ability, many hours in the woodshed (ability) would be the intelligent way to go. money can buy the best equipment and can hide some of your flaws but there is no mistake about it, money cannot make you play well. it can make you sound somewhat better but the ear hears it after a short while. the funny thing is, the worse the guitar, the harder you have to work it. the harder you have to work it the better it sounds. strats are hard to play, most anyway, compared to say, les pauls. listen to hendrix and srv, sound good? there is the answer. the strat is the diffinitive electric guitar. it is the king of electrics because of this. the player has to work it and it comes accross in the sound. all the greats play many guitars, not always high end stuff. some high end stuff is so easy to play there is no room for the expression of the player. the bottom line is money can’t buy it. you have to work it and earn it for longevity. amen

    • #93197

      A jockey without a horse is nothing, but a horse without a jockey is still a horse. If you got all the chops in the world, but your tone is crap, no one will want to listen to you!

    • #93247

      what a stupid question, why dont you write about something else? like how your mother still manages to be a prostitute at the age of 80, now that would be good reading. love Bob. ps. you are crap!!!

    • #93208

      : I am a college student writing an argumentative essay and am looking for feedback on my topic. "Does the quality of music come from the guitar or from the skills of the guitarist?" Is it the guitarist or the guitar that we enjoy? My view on this topic is that the guitarist creates the value of the music we hear. Please if you could provide input it would assist in clarifying this on-going argument….Thanks Does the quality comes from the truck or the Truckdriver? Or: Does quality comes from screw or the Screwdriver. Yes this is screw we all enjoy! Just kidding, no offense. Strange essay, I think those kind of things are obvious. I mean, everything comes from the guitar, it does not matter if you know or do not know how to play it. It is important that guitar sounds and looks sexy, and then it is all the same who and how plays that great thing. I would really like to hear (see) more opinions… Cheers! Dushan P.S. question: Does quality of the music comes from the vintage or from the player? (my opinion:vintage)

    • #93222

      : I am a college student writing an argumentative essay and am looking for feedback on my topic. "Does the quality of music come from the guitar or from the skills of the guitarist?" Is it the guitarist or the guitar that we enjoy? My view on this topic is that the guitarist creates the value of the music we hear. Please if you could provide input it would assist in clarifying this on-going argument….Thanks

      • #94164

        : : I am a college student writing an argumentative essay and am looking for feedback on my topic. "Does the quality of music come from the guitar or from the skills of the guitarist?" Is it the guitarist or the guitar that we enjoy? My view on this topic is that the guitarist creates the value of the music we hear. Please if you could provide input it would assist in clarifying this on-going argument….Thanks Well … first of all … if you are a beginner and you got a Fender Stratocaster you will suck. If you’re advanced and you got a shitty guitar, you will be able to sound more than the newbie with his Strat. But the sound is something important in a song. But the ability of the guitarist is THE thing who make the song good and melodic. This is my opinion about the guitar and the guitarist. Bob the Nob … stop it, this guy just wanted opinions of people about the guitar and the guitarist. If you think that the question is stupid, don’t answer it … and don’t offense the guy who asked it. love Kog. PS "Bob, stop to eat my ass" … sucker 🙂

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