Guitarsite Forums Discussion Popular Topics “unheard of guitar” (GC Rich not BC)

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  • #19967

    Can anyone help me try to find out information about my guitar. I have a GC Rich not BC. I have been asking Q’s on the net but nobody believes me. I can send a picture as well as the serial numbers. I keep hearing there is no such thing. If that is so, how come this has been in my family for many years? Any help would be appreciated. Only serious comments please. Thank-you for any help you can give me.

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    • #54513

      I also have one I am looking at in my den, had it since the early 80’s, traded for it in Toronto Canada, great guitar , the cutaway model with the oval sound hole

    • #54341

      Hi,I have a GC RICH acoustic guitar 6 string cut-away style nice spruce top amber tone birds-eye maple sides and back with a centre stripe and oval sound hole.All in all a real quality guitar.I got it here in Canada from a shop that was closing out back in 1982,the guy told me that the ”GC” was a member of the Rich family maybe a cousin that was also making guitars,I’ve been looking on the net every now and then to see about it.Anyway it was listed at $300.00,I got him to throw in a case and got the whole works for $250.00 it was a good deal,because I’ve had lots of fun with it over the years it plays sweet,easy and a nice voice and tone.I still have it and wouldn’t sell it for $500.00 if it came up.That’s all I can tell you but if you got one keep it ,don’t sell it cheap,they’ll only be harder to find down the road. jb

    • #94677

      I believe you, because i have a GC rich of my own. unfortanately, i cant tell you anything about it. sorry. if you find anything, please let me know. or perhaps we could compare pics and see if they are the same. : Can anyone help me try to find out information about my guitar. I have a GC Rich not BC. I have been asking Q’s on the net but nobody believes me. I can send a picture as well as the serial numbers. I keep hearing there is no such thing. If that is so, how come this has been in my family for many years? Any help would be appreciated. Only serious comments please. Thank-you for any help you can give me.

    • #94771

      No idea, but there was a G.C. Richards luthier in NY in 1940’s. : Can anyone help me try to find out information about my guitar. I have a GC Rich not BC. I have been asking Q’s on the net but nobody believes me. I can send a picture as well as the serial numbers. I keep hearing there is no such thing. If that is so, how come this has been in my family for many years? Any help would be appreciated. Only serious comments please. Thank-you for any help you can give me.

      • #102764

        i have owned my GC rich acoustic now for 40 years. its 1980, birds eye maple back and sides, mahogany neck, rosewood fingerborard, spruce top. i two would like some info on wear it was made . its very well made and high end woods. the birds eye is a orange transparent colour. looks 3d. i herd there was a greg rich worked for bc rich , was a brother. if the g in gc rich is from the brother of bc rich bernardo c rico, be pretty rare indeed, i think it was made in maybe the fugigan factory in japan , who specialized in copies of high end guitars back in the day. hope any of this helps. stay cool.

      • #100753

        hi. i 2 have a gc rich. mine is 1980. i have owned it since new.its acoustic drednought body.birds eye maple body.mohogany neck,rosewood fingerboard.very well made.i once was told my guitar was made in the greco plant in japan.which were a high end company made copies of high end guitars.les pauls ect. bernardo c rico is the founder of the bc rich company and has a brother greg .if greg was a guitar builder than its possible he made gc rich.but nothin certain.

      • #109765

        My 14 yr old daughter just told me about seeing a "jagged" GC Rich Guitar somewhere, so we tried to find something about GC Rich Guitars online with no luck, all we came up with is this link referring to this forum. *sigh* If you hear anyhthing, let us know 🙂 Thanks Mirlin Poplar

      • #99533

        : No idea, but there was a G.C. Richards luthier in NY in 1940’s. : : Can anyone help me try to find out information about my guitar. I have a GC Rich not BC. I have been asking Q’s on the net but nobody believes me. I can send a picture as well as the serial numbers. I keep hearing there is no such thing. If that is so, how come this has been in my family for many years? Any help would be appreciated. Only serious comments please. Thank-you for any help you can give me. Hey I have been researching this too. To no avail. I have a 1969 RC rich. If you find anything can you let me know and visa versa. Thanks

      • #112978

        I believe you, because i have a GC rich of my own. unfortanately, i cant tell you anything about it. sorry. if you find anything, please let me know. : No idea, but there was a G.C. Richards luthier in NY in 1940’s. : : Can anyone help me try to find out information about my guitar. I have a GC Rich not BC. I have been asking Q’s on the net but nobody believes me. I can send a picture as well as the serial numbers. I keep hearing there is no such thing. If that is so, how come this has been in my family for many years? Any help would be appreciated. Only serious comments please. Thank-you for any help you can give me.

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