Guitarsite Forums Discussion Popular Topics eliminate guitar feedback

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  • #19977

    i am having problems with feedback, i use single coil pickups which i have been told are worse than humbuckers,does anyone know any DIY methods of eliminating feedback

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    • #107066

      That’s a tough one to sort out…what I do is I fiddle around with both the guitar controls and amplifier controls until there is little feedback…keep in mind, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO HAVE EVERYTHING MAXED FOR GOOD SOUND. Another thing I suggest is write down different control combinations for different sounds…label them, even. (Punkish sound, crunchy metal sound, classic sound, etc.) Really, there isn’t much alternative…sometimes I find it has to do with metal objects near the pickups.

    • #95155

      When standing near the amplifier, try and keep your back to it, or slightly to the side. Try and keep the front of the guitar away from the amplifier. If your amplifier has an open back, then trying to have the amp not faving you will be hard, since the back will also generate feedback. In this case, putting some kind of foam in the back of the speakers to deaden it should help. However try not to pack too much in there. The amplifier still has to stay cool and the only way of doing that is the air coming in from the back of the amp. Set your EQ settings to the middle position. This will give you a flat response with no colouring to the sound. Now gradually bring up the bass and treble for and see if you can get to your desired volume level. Make sure that every component of your guitar is properly grounded (i.e. volume controls, tone etc.). Incorrect shielding or grounding problems are a causes of feedback problems. Make sure that you don’t have any ground loops. These can cause feedback and noise etc. Make sure that all pickups are correctly connected (i.e. That the actual shield is to ground). If you are still having problems, then it maybe your pickups that are causing problems. Some cheaper pickups when made, are wound loose or the bobbins are loose, which can cause microphonic feedback. The only way of fixing this is by re-waxing the pickups. The pickups are dipped in paraffin wax, which penetrates the coil windings. Another quick fix that may get rid of microphonic feedback, is removing metal pickup covers. By doing this, it increases the air gap, hopefully reducing the amount of feedback generated between the coil and the cover… but you have single coils… but hey I typed this much so included it. What kinda rig you got ???? : i am having problems with feedback, i use single coil pickups which i have been told are worse than humbuckers,does anyone know any DIY methods of eliminating feedback

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