Guitarsite Forums Discussion Popular Topics Hohner Telecaster Professional “The Prinz” (

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  • #20004

    Does anybody knows if the Hohner Telecaster Prince got in the 80th is the same as the Hohner Telecaster "The Prinz" build in the 90th? What is the difference?
    What are they worth or what price will be payed for it?
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    • #54123

      Ive one for sale if still somebody interested…You can reach me : wagner.roulette(at)gmaildotcom

    • #81373

      Hello, i am french and i want to buy a hohner "the prinz" Can you say me how it cost and where i can buy it. Thanks

      • #93846

        hello, i have a hohner the prinz and it is on e-bay right now. thank you.

    • #98290

      the guitar used by prince was a knock off of the ’52 telecaster. fender re-issued the ’52 telecaster and it sells for $800-$1200. the difference is the fender has an ash body and maple neck, while the honer guitar used by prince is all maple. after prince got famous, honer reissued the knock off and named the guitar the "prinz". there is one for sale on ebay for $1500. no one is bidding on it, if that’s any indication. why would somebody pay $1500 for a telecaster knock off, when you can buy the real deal for $800? also, it is reported that the knock off doesn’t stay tuned, and was hard to record in the studio, but prince loved that raggedy sound. i hope that answers your questions.: Does anybody knows if the Hohner Telecaster Prince got in the 80th is the same as the Hohner Telecaster "The Prinz" build in the 90th? What is the difference? : What are they worth or what price will be payed for it? : For Instrument details visit

      • #104033

        Yea It so happens that I bought one of the honer "prinz" back in the 80’s..I think I paid $90 for it new! the reason i got it was that it had tortise shell binding and flame maple top, it was in all honesty the WORST GUITAR ever implemented by man! the neck would bow when you tried to tune it, the frets where either hanging over the neck about 1/2 an inch or not wide enough! simply outrageously bad workmanship!, sold it right away, it did look cool tho…

      • #102214

        Does anyone have one for sell, or know where I can get one at. Tim

      • #100224

        I agree with G. People try to sell the guitar for a lot of money because prince used one. I found 2 prinz guitar in California one for $200.00 the other for $300.00 on Aug. 28, 2002 and sold the $200.00 to a friend for $600.00. Was it worth it? Well that is up to the individual to decide. The guitar i sold was in perfect shape. If you are interested in finding the hohner prinz guitar look for one in a 2nd hand store. There are stores out there that will sell anything to make a buck or two. Like I said I found 2 guitars on for $300.00 and the perfect condition The Prinz for $200.00.

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