Guitarsite Forums Discussion Popular Topics Peavey Amp problem triumph 60

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  • #35431

    I have a Triumph 60 Amd amd when I play any guitar threw it the speaker seams to pop. Now this amp is about 7-10 years old. And has not been played during that time. Please let me know wht the problem could be, And how I can fix it.

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    • #97121

      I have puschased peavey amp (transtube112). i am too much confused about send effect and return effect channel.. can u please explain detaily what to do about them ….why does the sound becomes so disgusting when i fully revolve the pre gain knob when i want to pick a hard solo..

    • #101300

      : I have a Triumph 60 Amd amd when I play any guitar threw it the speaker seams to pop. Now this amp is about 7-10 years old. And has not been played during that time. Please let me know wht the problem could be, And how I can fix it. : Thanx : Steve You havn’t given enough information for an informed diagnosis. Try taking it down to your local music store and hooking it up to a speaker cabinet. It it doesn’t pop, replace the speaker as it is blown. If it does pop, try replacing pre-amp tubes. If that doesn’t do it, either pay for professional repairwork, or buy a new amp. Sorry I couldn’t give a more detailed answer.

    • #99881

      If you prefer the same tone…the company called Speaker Repair of California also known as Solutions 4334 Sunset Blvd Los Angeles, Calif. 90029 can rebuild speakers to preserve the original tone for about $59-79 depending on size and performance preferences…They are also a Peavey dealer able to repair the amplifier section. 323 666 4141 Los Angeles time 12-6pm…ask for Stephon

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