Guitarsite Forums Discussion Popular Topics Ney Mello Instructional Video Petition

  • This topic has 5 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 20 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #20115

    This message is part of a campaign to gather support for an educational video by award-winning jazz/rock/electric-acoustic guitar virtuoso Ney Mello. It arose from discussions on the bulletin boards. Ney (who has been playing for 29 years and is highly praised by among others living legend Al Di Meola) is a frequent contributor on these boards and he mentioned that he would like to make a video to properly explain his knowlege of the development of picking technique (since there are no detailed videos available).

    For the video to be made, the guitar education video companies (Hot Licks Video Productions or Hal Leonard Productions) would have to be convinced that there is a market for it.

    It is currently intended that the subjects covered by the video will be:

    Basic multi-functional pick grip
    How to hold the pick for maximum efficiency
    Index and thumb movement: when and why
    Forearm motion and its importance
    Wrist motion
    The free stroke and its function
    The contact stroke and its function
    Specific training methodology to develop both strokes to speeds as high as 16th notes @270 bpm and higher
    Strumming: 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 string strumming variations and how to execute then properly
    Muted rhythm playing for metal guitar
    Muted single notes for all styles
    Metronome practice: the proven methods
    Pure speed training: the conceptual and mental angles needed to make it a reality
    Visualising your licks and runs mentally and in your inner ear
    Strength training and easy to make training devices to accelerate your progress
    The importance of stretching and how to do it properly to prevent injury
    Tendonitis prevention with the right training and practice pacing
    The influence of dynamics in specific technique selection
    Variety in hand positioning for stylistic expression
    Pick angles: when and why you need more than one
    Mental clarity and imaging: drawing in space with the pick
    Incremental growth in tempo and note groupings for maximum gain in the shortest time
    How to let the music steer you to the right technical choices in electric and acoustic guitar

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  • Author
    • #89597

      I fully support this petition as it seems to be THE most non understood AND most insufficietly covered topic for guitarists.GRRR!!!I have "speed" videos that pay scant attention to the actual mechanics of plectrum technique.C’mon Ney,please help frustrated guitarists and corner this market as I see no one who gives it the coverage it deserves.PLEASE!!!!Bill

      • #96132

        We are currently on the second half of editing the project. It is hard to estimate but we hope that within 6months or less we will releasing the DVD. The content are unlike anything ever seen on video or DVD, in what concern the many secrets and previously unexpmained movements involved in the right hand. We are just as excited as all of you worldwide and we are working constantly on the many unpredictable delays that occur in this type of media project. Thanks for your constant support! NEY MELLO

        • #116158

          : We are currently on the second half of editing the project. It is hard to estimate but we hope that within 6 months or less we will releasing the DVD. : The contents are unlike anything ever seen on video or DVD, in what concerns the many secrets and previously unexplained movements involved in the right hand. : We are just as excited as all of you worldwide and we are working constantly on the many unpredictable delays that occur in this type of media project. : Thanks for your constant support! : NEY MELLO

      • #96142

        We are currently on the second half of editing the project. It is hard to estimate but we hope that within 6months or less we will releasing the DVD. The content are unlike anything ever seen on video or DVD, in what concern the many secrets and previously unexpmained movements involved in the right hand. We are just as excited as all of you worldwide and we are working constantly on the many unpredictable delays that occur in this type of media project. Thanks for your constant support! NEY MELLO

      • #89844

        i second that. I have the principles, now i need the correct picking technique to put the principles to use. Ney is the man

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