Guitarsite Forums Discussion Popular Topics Which Strat has the best “classic Strat” sound?

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  • #20147

    Fellow players,
    I’ve had numberous Strats over the years and am again looking for a new one. Right now I have a "Big Apple Strat" which has two humbuckers. Its a great guitar, but lacks that classic single coil Strat sound.
    I’ve been looking online for a replacement and am seeing tons of Strat pickup options: Noiseless, Lace Sensor,MIJ’s,etc.
    In the past I guess I never really paid attention to what pickups were on my Strats, and I assume they were just basic standard P/U’s.
    But the thought of a "noiseless" single coil does sound good. Thats the one thing that always bothered me about my Strats – they always had some buzz. Onstage it doesn’t matter that much, but I do mostly recording now and I’d like a quiet guitar. However, not at the expense of losing the classic tone.
    Can anyone tell me the over best single coil pick up that will give me the classic Strat sound, yet is quiet,(at least relatively quiet)? I’ve heard alot of good things about MIJ Strats made in the 80’s, how do they compare?
    Major thanks,

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  • Author
    • #99513

      have u tried a fat strat? it has a bridge humbucker and 2 single coiled pickups

    • #101584

      Well, here’s my opinion (and probably worth every penny that you paid for it), I love any Strat with Texas Special pickups. I have had a few ash Strats that have sounded dead with about any pickup combination (these were VERY heavy ash Strats). The single coil noise is still there but I have not found any other pickup that has that classic "bell like" SRV tone that I love in a Strat. Pickups and tones are a very personal thing and you should judge what you like best yourself so take my opinion for what it is and good luck in your quest for tone!

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