Guitarsite Forums Discussion Popular Topics Isn’t it Disgusting!!!!????!!!!

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  • #20155

    Hi all

    I’m fuming at the moment. I just bought a second hand guitar, looks pretty good, its a Hohner Professional ST lead. It has two single and one double pickups, a five-way snd a two-way switch and some other interesting looking features…

    My problem is that these things have no history!!!

    In my main field, computer hardware or software, I can get on the net, do a search lasting even hours and come up with information on equipment, software, etc that goes back simply years (and all for free!) but I went on for information about a guitar (even a manual) and there’s nothing there!!!

    DOn’t you think its time we brought some consumer power to bear and only bought equipment from people who are prepared to providing some long term support for their products???????!!!!!!!


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    • #102069

      I never heard/seen an ST lead, the lion pro I’ve seen was actually pretty decent sounding/playing. I belive they are just korean knockouts, so you can’t really expect much documentation/information to be around, and even alot of the bigger name new guitars don’t come with much else than the hang tags and basic setup/spec sheets, it’s not like theres alot to one you can’t figure out just looking at it, and the best part is if you don’t like something just change it. : Hi all : I’m fuming at the moment. I just bought a second hand guitar, looks pretty good, its a Hohner Professional ST lead. It has two single and one double pickups, a five-way snd a two-way switch and some other interesting looking features… : My problem is that these things have no history!!! : In my main field, computer hardware or software, I can get on the net, do a search lasting even hours and come up with information on equipment, software, etc that goes back simply years (and all for free!) but I went on for information about a guitar (even a manual) and there’s nothing there!!! : DOn’t you think its time we brought some consumer power to bear and only bought equipment from people who are prepared to providing some long term support for their products???????!!!!!!! : Tony

      • #113568

        I have a hohner st lead it is a black to silver burst it looks good! Nice neck too. Its pickups are s/s/h. The bridge pickup is GREAT it pumps so much power and tone. But the oter to pickups are pices of shit they are to wide. And the bridge is a floyd rose knockoff it is a single pice the springs dont go down into the body. If you are thinking of buying one just go buy a squire strat they are so much better.

      • #112733

        : I never heard/seen an ST lead, the lion pro I’ve seen was actually pretty decent sounding/playing. I belive they are just korean knockouts, so you can’t really expect much documentation/information to be around, and even alot of the bigger name new guitars don’t come with much else than the hang tags and basic setup/spec sheets, it’s not like theres alot to one you can’t figure out just looking at it, and the best part is if you don’t like something just change it. Hi all, the Hohner ST-Lead is manufactured by Cort in the middle of the 80s. The price in 1987 was about 870 DEM or 450 USD. You can get information about this guitar from Hohner Musikinstrumente in Germany. greetings Gerald

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