Guitarsite Forums Discussion Popular Topics Guitar Strap…help!

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  • #20232

    hey everyone-
    ok, i just got the best gift in the world, an acoustic guitar. i’ve wanted to learn for a long time, so i’m really happy. but i have a few problems. like i dont know how to put on the guitar strap, lol. this must seem like a very stupid question, but how do you put a guitar strap on a guitar? i have a yamaha, if that makes any difference. thanks in advance, and do you have any tips for a 15 year old trying to learn guitar? thanks and have a good day.

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  • Author
    • #93000

      :hey cool people!!!! my bad that stuff under my name the first time is not me but i’m having the same problem. So SORRY to the peson that wrote that stuff under my name the first time did not mean 2 do.n/eways could u cool peeps email me!!!!!!!!!! THANKS Hug and more Hugs

    • #81558

      I wouldn’t worry about the strap. Sit in a chair, the couch, or on your bed and rest the guitar on your knee. If you’re self-teaching yourself the guitar, the best advice I can give is learn some chords and learn how to go from one to the next. Learning notes and songs like "mary had a little lamb" is both depressing and unsatisfying. Learning chords is much more fun and you can use them to play a ton of songs. I’d start by learning E, A, and D. Three chords is all you need to play most songs.

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