Guitarsite Forums Discussion Popular Topics how do i put on a guitar strap?

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  • #20336

    I cant figure out where to put my guitar strap. I figured out the end without the string goes on the bottom but where do i tie the string to?

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    Acoustic Guitar Straps and Adapters

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    • #95567

      I got this information from, so go to it and you will see, or keep reading. How to Attach a Guitar Strap First, I assume that you have already purchased a guitar strap, and that it has a “buttonhole” in each end. If your guitar has two knobs on it, one at the bottom end of the guitar body, and the other at the neck end, or fretboard end, of the body, you simply slip the buttonholes over these knobs and you are ready to go. Now, a five-year-old could figure that out, so I assume that the reason you have a problem and are looking for advice is that there are no knobs on your guitar for a strap, or maybe just one knob. If there is just one knob, it would be at the bottom end of the body, not at the neck end. Now, there are several cases to consider, and a couple of different approaches, and I will mention each of them. Perhaps the simplest method is the method used by Willie Nelson. He takes a soft, rather narrow strap, which is tied into a loop, and has a metal hook on one end. He places the other end of the strap around his neck, pulls the strap down his chest and behind and under the guitar and up around to the front side, and he then hooks the hook into the bottom of the sound hole. The advantage of this method is that the strap is smaller – it can fit in your pocket. The disadvantage is that the hook tends to pull out on the face of the guitar. This is a little disconcerting. If you have ever tried to play an Ovation-style guitar, with a round back, you will be reminded of the feeling, but in reverse. (The round-back guitar tends to slip away from you. This is particularly annoying if you are seated, with the guitar in your lap.) Another possible drawback of the hook-in-the-sound-hole is damage to the guitar. The hook is placing a lot of stress on a small, unbraced part of the instrument – the edge of the sound hole. This may cause damage, particularly if there is inlay work around the sound hole (ivory, mother of pearl, different color woods). It may even affect the sound to have the strap connected to the sound hole, since this would slightly deaden the sound-board front of the guitar. For the second case, let’s assume that you have a knob on the bottom of your guitar, but not at the neck end. In this case, you will simply place the buttonhole in the strap around the knob at the bottom end of the guitar. Then, what do you do with the other end – where do you attach it, and how? I shall assume that there is a cord through the other buttonhole of the strap – if not, I will tell you how to attach a cord in the paragraph that follows. You simply loop the cord around the neck of the guitar, just above the “nut” and just below the heads. If the cord tends to slip over the nut, covering part of fretboard above the first fret, then loop the cord around the first head. If your strap has just buttonholes in each end, and no cord on one end, then here is how to attach one. Take a shoelace or piece of rawhide, fold the ends together, and tie a knot near the ends. Push this shoelace or rawhide loop (the end away from the knot) through one of the buttonholes, and then through the loop itself on the other side of the buttonhole. Pull it tight, so that the knot is at the very end, away from the buttonhole.

    • #92819

      Check out this web site and it will tell you how.

    • #81377

      : I cant figure out where to put my guitar strap. how do i put it on???

    • #87771

      : I cant figure out where to put my guitar strap. I figured out the end without the string goes on the bottom but where do i tie the string to? (i have an acoustic guitar).

    • #85839

      under the strings behind the nut

      • #86004

        OUCH! Under the nuts would hurt. Only kidding. Actually, get rid of the string and have another strap pin put on your guitar by the neck (by a professional who can do it correctly, and in the right place)

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