Guitarsite Forums Discussion Popular Topics Re: Vintage Ibanez RG440 Roadstar II

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  • #20755

    You sound somewhat angsty. Although I agree it would be something of a first to see an RG in a museum, I also am the owner of an RG440, and it is a very playable guitar. For nasty trem-heavy work it can’t really compare to a Jem, but its certainly better than a lot of the more recent RGs floating around. I bought this one secondhand for AU00, and after setting it up, replacing the tension springs and giving it an all around cleanup, it came out as a great middle range instrument. I wouldn’t gig with it, but this particular floyd-rose is much more stable that some others i’ve played.

    Note that the RG A-man is talking about is a lefty model, which instantly puts it in somewhat of a niche market. Good, affordable lefties are a little hard to come by.

    : Why would you care where it goes? Sell the damn thing. Plenty of buyers are on Ebay, but to say museum quality of any Ibanez is stretching it. I don’t believe I have heard any musician in my life that declared he wanted a Roadstar. Not that it isn’t desireable or a good instrument but not high on a wish list. It’s like saying a Corolla is a dream car. All Asian stuff with the exception of a few are truly of lasting value no matter how old or what condition. And Ibanez is destroying the value of all their products because of their Korean and Chinese junk. Why buy an old one when you can buy a new one cheap? Basswood bodies made of multiple side by side glueing is disgusting. Sell that damn thing and move on. Get a true collectible and sit on it for a while. You won’t regret it. "Buy a cheap guitar to toss around and play then throw it away". That’s what the Chinese and Koreans are saying before they destroy every economy in the "free" I mean "pay as you go" world.
    : : I am original owner of 1986 Roadstar II RG440-L (lefty)
    : : this guitar is probably the BEST condition RG440 in the USA. 99% orig and in museum quality condition. Sounds and plays beautiful. Absolutly one of the all time best Japaneze made Ibanez’s to date. I would like to give it a good home to someone who would appreciate this classic. Not much action on E-bay,… got any ideas???

    : : thanks and everyone keep on rock’n!

    : : A-man

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