Guitarsite Forums Discussion Popular Topics Question about the digitech RP-2000

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  • #19366

    I have never owned a multiple effects processor. I have a shit load of stomp boxes though and I would like to buy a multiple effects processor. My question is:

    Is the digitech RP-2000 fully programable so that the patches and tones that I create are readily available for one touch activation with the foot pedal? Also, is there a loop so that I can integrate my stomp boxes into my rig like you can on the Boss GT-5?

    I like the sounds on the RP-2000 but I would like some of the features that come with the Boss GT-5 but in a rack unit. The things I like about the GT-5 include the programmable expression pedal so it can be wah on some patches and volume on others. I like the loop so you can use stomp boxes and I like how you can program the effects in the order you want and even put them before or after the pre-amp. Input on good units is greatly appreciated. Thanks guys!…and gals!

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    • #28701

      I am guitar player and I usually to collect famous backing track MP3 , I have many in
      perfect quality from famous Bands and Guitar playter , but I want to get more..and
      provide mine also..

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