Guitarsite Forums Discussion Popular Topics Tokai super edition

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  • #19372

    I would love to know more about this particular guitar. Can you help? The guitar is a black fender strat copy of a 50s strat I think. If you look at the Tokai logo from a distance it even looks like the Fender logo. Clever! The guitar has five knobs and five toggle switches with a silver metal mirrors cratch plate. Twin Humbuckers and one single and a locking trem.Did the guitar come from the factory like that or has some one changed it? There are a few loose wires inside so I can’t play it through a amp yet. I would put the wires back but it looks like a bowl of spaghetti in there. If I wire it wrong will I damage it? Would it be expensive to fix? I paid £40.00 at a boot sale. I love this guitar it feels great and the neck is great to play. I reckon it’s one of the best guitars I have ever played. I just wish I could play it amped up.

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  • Author
    • #28004

      : I would love to know more about this particular guitar. Can you help? The
      : guitar is a black fender strat copy of a 50s strat I think. If you look at
      : the Tokai logo from a
      : distance it even looks like the Fender logo. Clever!

      : The guitar has five knobs and five toggle switches with a silver metal mirrors cratch
      : plate. Twin Humbuckers and one single and a locking trem.Did the guitar come from the factory
      : like that or has some one changed it?

      : There are a few loose wires inside so I can’t play it through a amp yet. I
      : would put the wires back but it looks like a bowl of spaghetti in there. If
      : I wire it wrong will I damage it? Would it be expensive to fix?

      : I paid £40.00 at a boot sale. I love this guitar it feels great and the
      : neck is great to play. I reckon it’s one of the best guitars I have ever
      : played. I just wish I could play it amped up.

      This guitar is an as-yet unheard of classic, please sell it to me, i buy all tokais and you have one of the best
      but of course you won’t sell, you have played it, enjoy, it would be hard if not impossible to find a better axe for any amt. of money

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