Guitarsite Forums Discussion Popular Topics epiphone AJ-1512 12- string

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  • #20757

    I have an epiphone AJ-1512 12- string acoustic-electric sunburst ,which I bought in Italy,and I was wondering if anyone else every had one,and if they lasted long,and were a good buy.

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    • #111187

      : I have an epiphone AJ-1512 12- string acoustic-electric sunburst ,which I bought in Italy,and I was wondering if anyone else every had one,and if they lasted long,and were a good buy. I look forward to hearing from others, but here is my reply. I had a similar, if not identical guitar, except it had the name Wahburn. I could say it was a Washburn, but in this case it’s appropriate to mention that Washburn was just the name put on the guitar, made by possibly the same Oriental manufacturer as Epiphone. It was a good guitar, but it would not have lasted forever. The laminated top was fairly strong, but was starting to lift at the bridge, with 12 strings pulling on it, and it was sinking around the soundhole. Accordingly, action gets higher and they’re harder to play. Now, I had an Epiphone 6 string, acoustic/electric that was just like it. They matched except for # of strings. It’s top was also lifting, as the soundhole sunk. On both guitars however, the quality of workmanship and finish was excellent, and the electronics were state of the art. With the 12 string, what some players do to relieve tension & stress, which can be as much as 200 lbs. per string … they detune the guitar by one half step, and use a capo in the first position to get A440 pitch which is standard/normal pitch. This also helps with the breakage problem of the .009 string. Thinner lighter guage strings might help lessen the stress on the guitar too. Strat Man Dwight

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