Guitarsite Forums Discussion Popular Topics Re: painting guitars

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  • #20759

    : : : : I want to pant my bass surf green, how do I paint it, ans what kind of paint should i use….anything special?

    Armor Coat: Enalem Paint
    it says its for "metal" but it gives it the "glossy" look, of guitars or bass in your case. I painted my bass dark purple a week ago with the same stuff and it was great…. just make sure you take it apart, and take out the electronics, and cover the "whole" they go in lso if you have textured paint on your bass now, sand it off,and make sure its smooth, and stuff. and take off anything else you dont want to get full of "surfer green" paint. The paint is pretty cheap only like ! and it works great, no need for all this "buffer spray" crap that’ll cost you more then the bass itself. On the back of the spray paint can, it gives you directions, follow them and everything will work fine.
    Good Luck

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