Guitarsite Forums Discussion Popular Topics making a relic guitar

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  • #20398

    I’m looking for directions on making my guitar a relic vintage look. Anything will be helpful.

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    • #115342

      I just finished a late 50s three tone burst strat relic job. For the body a used keys and an all to make dings and scratches, than I used canned air to create the check marks in the nitro finish. Than for arm, pick, and belt buckle wear marks, I started them with a flat head screw driver, and completed by using some fine grit sand paper to lightly rough up the surounding area, and just lightly sand the rest of the body. To create a dirty darkened look to the wear marks use a light brown colored stain, 2 coats works well. In aging the neck of the guitar I used the same key and all approch to create dings and scratches. To make a neck look like a real blues axe light up a camel and make a burn mark on the upper cut of the head stock by the nut. lightly sand the whole neck with medium grit sand paper, and than start creating heavy wear marks on fret board and back of neck by sanding all the finish away. After these steps are complete, stain the wear marks and clean neck with warm soapy water. As far as hardware goes, I would just lightly steel wool all gold or nickle hard ware, and then spray it with the canned are to achieve that oxoized, pitted look.

    • #94098

      : I’m looking for directions on making my guitar a relic vintage look. Anything will be helpful. Well, you take your guitar and use it for a really long time. That otta do the trick…..

    • #91396

      Whay kinda guitar ? finish, neck type, hardware, etc are all factors : I’m looking for directions on making my guitar a relic vintage look. Anything will be helpful.

      • #100991

        Hi- I just installed some new chrome p/u & bridge covers on my 72 P-Bass. Can anyone tell me how I can relic them to match my old nickel hardware? Someone said I can use "etching solution" but I have no idea where to get it… : Whay kinda guitar ? finish, neck type, hardware, etc are all factors : : I’m looking for directions on making my guitar a relic vintage look. Anything will be helpful.

      • #98335

        I have done a couple of home relic jobs and they are ok but I wanted to get closer to Fender custom shop specs and then I fell onto the workingmans alternative custom shop. Check out and you will see the light at the end of the relic tunnel. I have just completed a relic nocaster last week with body, neck and hardware from GRG and it is just awesome. Looks and smells and plays like a real 52′. You need to do some of the work yourself to get the body and neck to "feel" right for you, but it helps to have a head start. A new relic nocaster from a local shop in Denver is about $1800 or more and my just completed guitar cost me exactly $933.00 to complete. Body, neck, hardware, Duncan antiquity pickups, thermometer case and tweed strap. It is one of the best players I have ever owned….and I put it together myself, how fun is that. I relic’d the body a little bit more than GRG did but that was my own cool touch. Rubbed in a "belt buckle scar" on the rear and a "finger crater" by the bridge. A couple of "oops" marks where a screw driver setting up the intonation "might" have slipped….etc. Go nuts and do whatever you want. The possibilities are endless. Have fun. B.O.B.

    • #91205

      Hi, one thing I have done is to wet sand (1500) certain areas to make a semi natural looking worn effect (right arm area). Or you could choose to wet sand the entire body to give it a dull luster. I have also made dings with a flat head screwdriver. Be careful however, relicing as you know is non-reversable. -Daniel

      • #92426

        : hola necesito informacion sobre los lugares donde venden guitarras usadas en tucson amediados del mes voy para alla me quiero trer una te escribo de cd obregon son te agradecere mucho tu informacion

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