Guitarsite Forums Discussion Popular Topics Kent WC-18 and DeArmond pickups

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  • #20441

    I just got an electric guitar that was hand-made circa 1964. I’m trying to identify the pickups. The bridge pickup is a metal covered one and it says Kent WC-18 on it. It has 2 pieces of black plastic in the metal cover. I did a search on the internet for that pickup and found nothing. The neck pickup is a DeArmond, and on it it says DeArmond and "Reg. US Pat. Off." There’s no model number on it or anything. It is also a metal-covered pickup and has 4 evenly spaced pieces of black glass on it. It also has two little golden colored screws on the pickup itself. If anyone has any information about any of those 2 pickups, please let me know. Anything at all would be appreciated. THANKS!


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  • Author
    • #54100

      The kent wc-18 is a acostic pickup I have one it is just like what you described accept mine has a metal box attatched for the pots and tone cap and jack.

    • #114510

      Hello Andy, If you send a drawing or JPEG of the pickups to me, I may be able to identify the kent Armstrong, but I most likely will be able to identify the DeArmond. Regards Ben. : Hello, : I just got an electric guitar that was hand-made circa 1964. I’m trying to identify the pickups. The bridge pickup is a metal covered one and it says Kent WC-18 on it. It has 2 pieces of black plastic in the metal cover. I did a search on the internet for that pickup and found nothing. The neck pickup is a DeArmond, and on it it says DeArmond and "Reg. US Pat. Off." There’s no model number on it or anything. It is also a metal-covered pickup and has 4 evenly spaced pieces of black glass on it. It also has two little golden colored screws on the pickup itself. If anyone has any information about any of those 2 pickups, please let me know. Anything at all would be appreciated. THANKS! : Andy

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