Guitarsite Forums Discussion Popular Topics Classical vs. Acustic

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  • #20464

    What are the major technique differences for Classical and Acustic guitars? I am looking into lessons for my son and would like to understand the difference between them. Thanks.

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    • #102813

      there are a few differences but they are not that big. classical guitars tend to be more expensive than acoustic guitars. classical guitars are played with nylon strings instead of steel. the strings on a classical are attached differently than most acoustics (classical are tied rather than using the balls on the end of the strings). most classical guitars have a very wide and thick neck, while acoutics have a smaller neck that gets larger closer to the body of the guitar. the last difference i can think of is that a classical guitar is rarely cut away, while it not uncommon for an acoustic to be cut away. as far as which guitar you want to get your son, get him a cheaper acoustic guitar. then as he continues to take lessons he will mold into a certain type of guitarist. then, if hes going to be playing in classical concertos, get him the two thousand dollar classical guitar, or if hes going to shred his fretboard in a concert, get him that mean electric guitar, or if hes just going to play chords and sing to his girlfriend, get him a nicer acoutic than his previous one.

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