Guitarsite Forums Discussion Popular Topics please help me

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  • #20762

    ok i need help
    im not gonna go into much detail but long story short i saw courtney love (on tv) perform on snl (saturday night live) in 94 and i really want to know what kind of guitar it was. i know it looks like a venus but its not because it had a different headstock with a specific kind of brand on that headstock. does anyone know what brand that is. or any other info would help

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    • #86150

      : ok i need help : im not gonna go into much detail but long story short i saw courtney love (on tv) perform on snl (saturday night live) in 94 and i really want to know what kind of guitar it was. i know it looks like a venus but its not because it had a different headstock with a specific kind of brand on that headstock. does anyone know what brand that is. or any other info would help I didn’t see the show, but Courtney’s guitar says Squier on the headstock, so it’s a Squier Venus. I have a picture of it, and have seen an identical guitar. Strat Man Dwight

      • #95441

        As big as a C Love fan I am, She wasnt REALLY playing that guitar. More like having someoneelse play while she pretended to strum along. Courtney’s been known to play Strats,Rickenbackers (p.o.t.i days)But it was probably a Venus, did it have the square headstock? It might have been the custom venus prototype that she used live, and in the Doll Parts video. Now, since she’s released that "awful" no pun intended album, America’s Sweetheart, Ive seen her use Strats live.

    • #86110

      : Does anyone know what effect the guitar player uses in the beginning of the song BLACK???hey buddy guy i think he uses a flute from the dollar store and precisely maybe even black banjo strings to give it that moons over my hammy/plantain effect.wanna meet up sometime and JAM with some hillbilly country because thats what sevendust is all about! ROCK ON WITH YOUR COUNTRY BOOTS!!!

    • #86152

      : : Does anyone know what effect the guitar player uses in the beginning of the song BLACK???\ John Colony is doing that sound with his phaser pedal and he is using an epiphone les paul, he sets the volume on one of his pickup so its off and fips the pickup switch back and forth after playing an open note similar to what that little rage against the machine fag does

    • #86154

      The guitar intro to Black is performed with a distortion and flanger through a gate that is opened and closed by a click track into the key input of the gate.

    • #86149

      : : Does anyone know what effect the guitar player uses in the beginning of the song BLACK??? simply distortion and tremelo

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