Guitarsite Forums Discussion Popular Topics Unidentified switch on Kona electric guitar

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  • #20578


    I recently purchased an Kona Electric guitar with two humbucker pickups and a selector switch for the neck and brideg pickups. The question that I have is that there is a smaller switch included on the guitar. I was told that this switch may enable me to change the humbucker sound to a single coil pickup sound. Further more, if this is the case, which pickup does it affect, neck or bridge. I would greatly appreciate you clarifying this for me. Thanks

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    • #91322

      sounds like a coil tap switch like you described, its probably on the bridge pickup, select that one with your pickup selector, the flip the coil tap switch you should notice a thinning of the tone, the humbucker will give a fatter bassier tone. Lee

      • #115693

        : So, you own a Kona electric guitar. What’s that like. Is it a good guitar? I ask because I’m thinking of buying one, but I don’t know much about them.

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