Guitarsite Forums Discussion Popular Topics Restringing with Floyd Rose

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  • #19434

    Hi, I’ve got an Ibanez with a Lo-TRS Trem II Tremolo. I just restrung it for the first time and have tuned it to pitch (standard tuning). However, the tremolo is now bending really far forward (therefore raising the strings off the fretboard)–it seems that the tension from the strings is greater than the tension of the tremolo springs. How do I get it recentered? This is a pain cuz the strings are way too high off the fretboard (too much action). Thanks in advance.

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    • #29777

      First of all you should idiot check yourself and make sure it’s not playing too sharp! I think heavier strings is the most likely cause. They sound much juicier when they have been set up correctly (see other suggestions), but there is another thing you may want to bear in mind. I also play a lo-trs, and after a short time of using very heavy stings the strings wore through the thin outer layer of chrome and into the softer base metal of the string saddles. This happens because of the increase in string tension, and hence an increase in friction. This is all bad, as the soft, inner metal reduces brightness and sustain, and the strings keep eating away at the softer metal, causing buzzing etc due to lowered action. I might have avoided this by lubricating the bridge and strings where they contacted (graphite, chapstik, vaseline), or just used the strings which my trem was designed for, light gauge (9-46).

      hope I wrote something useful!


    • #29763

      What you did is replace the strings you had with a heavier guage that is causing more string tension and that in turn caused youe bridge to angle forward. You have 2 choices: the first is to return to the old string guage. This will return the bridge to its original position. If you would like the heavier strings, remove the backplate of your guitar where you cain gain access to the tremolo cavity. You will see the tremolo block attacked to the spring claw by a few springs. What you need to do is tighten the screws on the claw that go into the guitar body. Do this a little at a time and both screws should always be the same distace into the body (even). Retune your guitar and check the bridge for level. If you have gone to far loosen the screws. Always retune. This is an easy fix for the non mechanically inclined.

      Because you have changed the guage of strings, you may have the guitar action reset and intonaated. This is a bit tougher for the beginner. I recommend you have this done by a professional. Good luck. Sorry about any spelling errors.

    • #29739

      Did you re-string the guitar with the same gauge string that was on it before? If you put on heavier strings that is what is causing the problem. If you want to change string gauges then you have to adjust the bridge to that gauge. The only way to fix it is to either take those strings off and replace them with the same gauge you were using or take the guitar to a qualified technician and get him to adjust the bridge/action/intonation to the new gauge of string.

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