Guitarsite Forums Discussion Popular Topics help identifying vintage Framus guitar?

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  • #20645

    I’ve got an old Framus guitar (it has no other labels except for the brand) that a friend of a friend picked up at a thrift store. It has the body style of a Fender Jaguar and it also has a built-in whammy bar and 3 pickups. The serial number is #16287-710. I’ve looked online for this but there seem to be no records. I’d like to find out what year this guitar is from. Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks.

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  • Author
    • #54717

      I volunteer at a thrift store and recently we received an acoustic framus guitar. I think the model number says 5/19E and the serial number is 47180.

      Could you tell me anything about this?



    • #80329

      I think we have the same guitar… I got it since 1987 circa and I don’t know nothing about it. My one has got a 5 position pick-up selector (0, 1, 2, 3, 1+3), a tone selector (B-, T+B+, T+B-, T-) and a volume control. It is very thin and light. I don’t knowwhat model it is and in whidh year it was build…

    • #102256

      : I’ve got an old Framus guitar (it has no other labels except for the brand) that a friend of a friend picked up at a thrift store. It has the body style of a Fender Jaguar and it also has a built-in whammy bar and 3 pickups. The serial number is #16287-710. I’ve looked online for this but there seem to be no records. I’d like to find out what year this guitar is from. Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks.

      • #110095

        Question: Do you still have the Framus (Television ’64?) you asked about?

    • #99180

      Hi, found your post when searching for information about old Framii. Jaguar-style sounds like Framus Television. Built ’round 1964

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