Guitarsite Forums Discussion Popular Topics How do I keep the G String from slipping

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  • #20664

    I have an Epiphone LP Special. It has a good feel and great sound but there is so much slippage on the G String that I am afraid to bend the string. Does anyone have any advice on how to keep the thing in tune? I don’t really want to spend money on replacing the tuning keys, unless that’s the only way.

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    • #100032

      are you sure its the tuner slipping? have you got the string wound around the tuner enough times? needs about 5 windings making sure the string winds over itself at least once. to check the tuners try swapping the G tuner for the D tuner, if that starts slipping then you can buy an individual tuner from your local guitar shop. i personaly would bother with locing sperzels, they look horrible on a les paul, always replace your guitar parts with original replacements. Lee

      • #109707

        well i keep forgeting these people arent useing trem systems nor ESP/ LTDs which all that lockin shit looks good on, sorry bout the misinformation, i dont think gibson too much unless its the les paul i sold, which i dont involve myself in anymore, again, sorry for the misinformation. Trevor : are you sure its the tuner slipping? have you got the string wound around the tuner enough times? needs about 5 windings making sure the string winds over itself at least once. to check the tuners try swapping the G tuner for the D tuner, if that starts slipping then you can buy an individual tuner from your local guitar shop. i personaly would bother with locing sperzels, they look horrible on a les paul, always replace your guitar parts with original replacements. : Lee

    • #109628

      Try tightening the tuners, if you have what i think you have you can tighten the nut around the key and it should slow it down a bit but otherwise id invest in some sperzle locking tuners. Trevor : I have an Epiphone LP Special. It has a good feel and great sound but there is so much slippage on the G String that I am afraid to bend the string. Does anyone have any advice on how to keep the thing in tune? I don’t really want to spend money on replacing the tuning keys, unless that’s the only way.

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