Guitarsite Forums Discussion Popular Topics AMPS: 2 – 12’s or 4 – 10’s WHICH IS BETTER?

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  • #20747

    Hey, I wanna ask a question too! I know you guys can help, have heard lots and have some great ideas.

    In an amplifier such as Fender Hot Rod Rod Deville, who prefers 2 – 12’s and who likes 4 – 10’s? What do you think the differences are, and why?

    How about the 4 – 10’s which are in the Fender Super Reverb or Peavey Blues 50 combo? Any comments on their sound?

    What d’ya think of the Deluxes incl. Blues Deluxe? Got any Bassman fans & other loyalties?

    Anybody hotrodded any of these tube amps with any interesting stories?

    Thanks, Strat Man Dwight

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  • Author
    • #84507

      Personally, I prefer the sound of 4-10’s. I own a Hot Rod Deville 410, but at church I play through a Hot Rod Deluxe (112). Both sound very good. The reason I prefer the 410 is because the bottom and mids are very tight, very solid sounding. The reason being is that since they are a smaller speaker compared to a 12", they push less air, resulting in less low end mush. 12’s do sound good but they tend to have a very loose bottom end and mids that aren’t well-defined, especially if the speakers are under-driven by a lower powered amp. But, even though each speaker has it’s own characteristics, you have to enjoy listening to it. You play through what you like hearing. In a nutshell, 410’s are tighter and more responsive and 212’s are looser with more low end.

    • #84493

      : The ear responds to the sound waves that move through the air, pushing the air in front of them. The more air a sound pushes the louder the sound is to the ear. 4-10 inch speakers will push more air than 2-12 inch speakers (with the same watts applied into the same ohms each) because of the combined area mass of the speakers. Simplified, without getting to mathmatical, 4-10’s = a 40 inch area and 2-12’s = a 24 inch area. Preferance would depend on application. Personaly I like the sound of Celestion Green Back, Carvin British Series and Black Widow speakers, again depending on application.

      • #111084

        How about we stop trying to impress people with how much technical knowledge we have and just answer the guys question.

      • #111081

        : : The ear responds to the sound waves that move through the air, pushing the air in front of them. The more air a sound pushes the louder the sound is to the ear. 4-10 inch speakers will push more air than 2-12 inch speakers (with the same watts applied into the same ohms each) because of the combined area mass of the speakers. Simplified, without getting to mathmatical, 4-10’s = a 40 inch area and 2-12’s = a 24 inch area. Preferance would depend on application. Personaly I like the sound of Celestion Green Back, Carvin British Series and Black Widow speakers, again depending on application. Thanks for the info and your advice on speakers. I like Celestions also, though my cab is closed and I don’t know about the colour. Those Black Widows have always been good to me. I’m anxious to see if others can share their experiences too. Strat Man Dwight

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