Guitarsite Forums Discussion Popular Topics Bigsby Silvertone Patent #d-169,120

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  • #20866

    I am trying to find out how much this guitar is worth. We inherited it and it is in great condition. If anyone can tell me about the silvertone guitars, please email me.

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  • Author
    • #54236

      It could be the Chris isaak Model….Just type in Silvertone 1446 and look at pics, if that’s what you have, it’s worth money… 🙂

    • #54115

      So, my boyfriend found an old Silvertone in the trash at his house. He knows my love for guitars, and he brought it over thinking I could doctor it up a bit. I did, and when I realized how nice it really is, I wanted to think about net worth and all that jazz. I have quite a few people interesting in buying it, and I’d like to know.

    • #92802

      I’m actually looking for the same information… I have a similar guitar that I’m trying to determine the value of. If you get any response, would you mind forwarding it to me. Thanks. : I am trying to find out how much this guitar is worth. We inherited it and it is in great condition. If anyone can tell me about the silvertone guitars, please email me.

      • #101222

        Did you ever find out your information regarding this version guitar?

      • #92963

        Why don’t you just watch Ebay and find out? : I’m actually looking for the same information… I have a similar guitar that I’m trying to determine the value of. If you get any response, would you mind forwarding it to me. Thanks. : : : I am trying to find out how much this guitar is worth. We inherited it and it is in great condition. If anyone can tell me about the silvertone guitars, please email me.

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