Guitarsite Forums Discussion Popular Topics Please help with info on Gretsch 3140!!!!!! It’s on sale. I’m runnning out of time!!! :)

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  • #19484

    Could anyone provide me with info on a Gretsch 3140 guitar.

    It’s apart of the historic line, and has a beautiful orange finish.

    It retails for 1500, and was selling for 950.00 marked down to 549.00.

    Can anyone tell me if they have played this guitar, or if they know how it plays. I’m trying to decide if this is a good deal or not. It is on sale right now, and I’m running out of time on my decision, so I was hoping that someone can provide me with some info to help in my decision.

    I would appreciate your help!

    Here it is:

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  • Author
    • #32842

      : Could anyone provide me with info on a Gretsch 3140 guitar.

      : It’s apart of the historic line, and has a beautiful orange finish.

      : It retails for 1500, and was selling for 950.00 marked down to 549.00.

      : Can anyone tell me if they have played this guitar, or if they know how it plays. I’m trying to decide if this is a good deal or not. It is on sale right now, and I’m running out of time on my decision, so I was hoping that someone can provide me with some info to help in my decision.

      : I would appreciate your help!

      : Here it is:

      I own a G3141 which is the same guitar in black. I love the guitar and spent 00 on it when it was on sale. It rocks, the day I bought it I was compareing it to Gibson Les Pauls that sounded like crap next to this Gretsch!!!

    • #31118

      I looked on the Gretsch Website for a 3140, but I couldn’t find one. I do know this about guitars, I wouldn’t buy a guitar of any sort without playing it first, even if it’s a 500 guitar and it only costs 00, if it’s unplayable and or you don’t like it you’ll have to try to get your 00 back, or sell the guitar to somebody else…if it’s a piece of junk guitar it will be hard to sell, and should cause a little moral dilemma. If you have the 500 bucks to blow maybe you should buy it anyway, but it seems like a big risk.

      : Could anyone provide me with info on a Gretsch 3140 guitar.

      : It’s apart of the historic line, and has a beautiful orange finish.

      : It retails for 1500, and was selling for 950.00 marked down to 549.00.

      : Can anyone tell me if they have played this guitar, or if they know how it plays. I’m trying to decide if this is a good deal or not. It is on sale right now, and I’m running out of time on my decision, so I was hoping that someone can provide me with some info to help in my decision.

      : I would appreciate your help!

      : Here it is:

      • #103734

        : This is a VERY fine guitar, and, I just happen to have one (Truly Like New, and I’ll make you this deal. I’ll sell it for $700! I’ll pay the shipping to you. If you don’t like it for any reason, send it back and I’ll return your money. for info, try—– Thanks, Bob bjminc Guitars 573 893-8771

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