Guitarsite Homepage Forums Discussion Popular Topics guitar varnish?

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  • #19350

    i sanded down my purple ibenez guitar, and now it’s has a cool wooden texture, so i put some conventional wood stain/varnish(i don’t know which is which) on it, and now it’s col and shiny, but that’s only one layer. what should i do about the second layer, what should i put on it since it’s already too late to put an appropriate varnish on my guitar because i put on a coat of it to the guitar already without asking anyone. help please..what to do? hm…this question goes out to the mighty guitar inovators who screw around with their extra guitars that are laying around..and if you have any cool tips on making my RG ibenez guitar cooler, like chopping of some wood off of it or something, make yourself at home and tell me something i dont’ already know. (umm..please dont tell me to stick the guitar up my arse, that’s not cool dude, i don’t want your freaken "i’ve been playing for five days and i started a punk rock band called i smoke weed" wit, grow up!) ok, thanks, much ablidged

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    • #27380

      If whatever you used was for wood, it should be ok, but it might not wear too well. I did this with a product called varathane, however I painted the body first. I took a temporary tattoo transfer (50 cents)I liked and cut it out very closely. Then sandwiched it between 5 or 6 coats of varathane, sanding between each coat with 400 sandpaper.

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