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  • #21733
    Guitar Expert

    Hi all, I’m back from my trip away, had a good time. Boy, that Grand Canyon sure is … grand! While in Las Vegas we decided to really experience the place, so we went to see Wayne Newton in action. That guy should open the College of Entertainment. He (and the orchestra) had intimate knowledge of every nanosecond of the show. He’s a damn good twanger, too, Wayne is.

    I’ve done the first half of ‘Blackwood Stroll’, a neat little finger picking tune I wrote recently. It’s a happy, familiar sounding little piece that’s really fun to get the fingers around. The ‘feel’ is probably the most difficult aspect of it, it swings along, and the melody line sort of bounces along on top of a steady bass line. I’ll do the second half next week.

    Click here to go to the lesson.

    For those asking about the second half to ‘Forbidden Games’, that beautiful classical piece I posted a few weeks ago, I’ll be doing it soon. I’ve had many requests for it, but be warned, the second half moves from Em to E major and is MUCH more difficult to get around. Meanwhile, there are well over 40 lessons to keep you busy at Guitar for Beginners.

    My book PlaneTalk continues to amaze. If you’re still wondering how it is that some players have the whole fretboard at their disposal, can play any line anywhere anytime, can voice chords and chord fragments from nut to sound hole, can improvise melody willy-nilly through any chord progression … do yourself the favor and drop in to find out more about this simple technique. Visit PlaneTalk – The Truly Totally Different Guitar Instruction Book.

    Join the Slide Guitar Forum. We need members there! Also, if you have a slide/bottleneck related website, you can join the Slide Guitar Web Ring to drive traffic to your site. Both are at this link.

    My version of Georgia is still number 1 on the Jazz General charts at Soundclick … thanks to those who have gone to have a listen. For those who haven’t, it’s at this link.

    Until next week,


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