Guitarsite Forums Guitar Discussion Guitar Creamy Dreamer Sustain Punch Modded Big Muff Pie can someone

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  • #24505

    hey guys ive been reading about the big muffs, and saw one on ebay that has been “modded” and supposively sounds better……. i want to get mine moded like this but the guy who does this doesn’t do it anymore , either that or i cant contact him, his emails are ancient.
    does anyone know how to perform this mod? If so could i send it to you and you mod it for me for a fee?
    i would love to o have a Creamy Dreamer Sustain Punch Modded Big Muff Pi mmmm sounds good doesnt ? let me know thanks for your time


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    • #73432

      This is an update/clarification after Gish sent me a PM. I have the DHA VT1 Purist (for guitar) pedal. Maybe an odd choice for a bassist but I got it slightly used on eBay. The seller is a big fan of DHA and he can be located on Plexi Palace with the s/n Brycebites. The non-bass version doesn’t have i/p pad but, despite my using an active bass, I had no trouble getting settings I was happy with.

      Although this pedal is suggested to cover blues warmth to rock distortion, I had no problem going way past this to John Spencer Blues Explosion bass-fuzz, which I sometimes need. However, I haven’t really spent time with a passive bass through it (the active preamp will be putting through quite a signal) and, in any case, bass fuzzes much quicker than guitar (that’s why bassists are always yakking about headroom and 1200W amps). To top it off, I always play through all-valve amps so this pedal is giving me an extra twin-triode gain stage before it goes into yet more valves.

      If you’re looking for more hairy OD/distortion and even fuzz for guitar, the VT1 Purist is probably not the one to go for. The VT1 Mk3 has the Ge and Si clipping options, which will give a harder fuzz, and there is also an op-amp boost to increase wht’s heading into the amp (esp useful if your amp has a valve-driven preamp). The VT2 Dual is a bit more money still, but there is a second 12AX7 that can be kicked in for serious cascading gain stages. Even so, I had a guitarist contact me because he found the Purist a little bit too hairy when all he wanted was a little blues-warmth. I sent him some different valves to soften it, but I think he still found it too “rawk” for him (and I never got my valves back). So the Purist is not entirely “blink and you won’t hear it” subtle. I’m a rubbish guitarist, but I’ll have a try through it myself to see what I get.

      There are sound clips on the DHA site and the guitar ones are quite good. However, I ought to offer some better bass ones. Not criticizing the playing, but the bass tone is awful even in bypass mode. Once the OD is added, it just sounds fuzzy-awful. I can get really nice bass tones out of mine.

    • #73419

      As a bass player, I find that most solid-state distortions completely wipe out the low frequencies. Not a partic problem with guitar, I realize, but it’s enough to irritate me. I much prefer 12AX7/ECC83 valve-driven OD/distortion pedals. The Mesa-Boogie V-Twin is discontinued and horrendously expensive as a used item on eBay. The Matchless Dirtbox is God’s Own Distortion, but also discontinued if I’m right. There is a eBayUK seller who hand-makes DHA (I think his name is Dave Hall) valve pedals. I have the VT1 and it is capable of valve-warmth to pretty extreme overdrive from a twist of the knob. His other pedals feature twin 12AX7 overdrive and, if that wasn’t enough, germanium or silicon diode clipping. Yikes, they must really fuzz out. Despite the “handmade” look of them, I can highly recommend the build quality and the tone of the output. Just located his website:

    • #73394

      hey guys, someone recommended this pedal to me today on a site i go to regularly,

      its a pedal that sounds like the smashing pumpkins sound and it sounds great and i think im gonna buy it, but im asking if you guys know if its better than a sustain punch creamy dreamer big muff pie or not.
      i just really wanna hear your guys thought and opinions if i should buy it or not…………… just help me choose between the two. 🙂

    • #73255

      I’ve sent you a couple of PMs that should point you in the direction. Good to see you in here and hope you check in again 🙂

    • #73245

      hey lee_uk ill message 1Bassleft, thanks for the contact info 🙂 big help im new in this forum, glad to get such a quick response! 🙂

    • #73250

      1Bassleft can help you on this, im sure his plexipalace contacts will know.

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