Guitarsite Forums Discussion Popular Topics 12 string acustic how to tune it in “D”

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  • #20833

    I just purchased this 12 string and I don’t know how to tune it. Any help would be nice. It has a single strut rod and D tuning is recomended unlike the newer 12 strings that can be tuned in E.


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    • #90301

      Thanks Dwight and Andrew I’ll give it a try. I found this 1960’s (I think) 12 string Epiphone at a pawn shop it was in bad shape, however after the maker of Moon Stone guitars worked on it, and $100 it looked and sounded great. but he never taught me how to tune it. That was 5 years ago. So after getting my chops down on the ol’e 6 string I am now ready for the sweet sound of the 12’er Again thanks guys

    • #90111

      : I just purchased this 12 string and I don’t know how to tune it. Any help would be nice. It has a single strut rod and D tuning is recomended unlike the newer 12 strings that can be tuned in E. : Thanks Hi, I haven’t been on the forum for awhile. Gee, if you were told to tune your 12 string down a full step, that’s drastic. Almost an admission that it may not be a structurally sound or a weaker model. Some of us tune down one half step, and place a capo on the first fret. If you are tuning down a full step, oh this makes my ears smoke because there’s twice as many strings, basically start with first string(s) in the order of E A D G B E except change to D G C F A D. Try to handle the nuances of which strings are the same (first 2) and which are an octave apart, all the rest. If having problems, why not ask the people who sold you the guitar? And use a capo on the 2nd fret or higher, will not sound good without, strings are likely to rattle. Andrew Listmayer, RockItSciencelabs

      • #111513

        : : I just purchased this 12 string and I don’t know how to tune it. Any help would be nice. It has a single strut rod and D tuning is recomended unlike the newer 12 strings that can be tuned in E. : : Thanks : Hi, I haven’t been on the forum for awhile. Gee, if you were told to tune your 12 string down a full step, that’s drastic. Almost an admission that it may not be a structurally sound or a weaker model. Some of us tune down one half step, and place a capo on the first fret. If you are tuning down a full step, oh this makes my ears smoke because there’s twice as many strings, basically start with first string(s) in the order of E A D G B E except change to D G C F A D. Try to handle the nuances of which strings are the same (first 2) and which are an octave apart, all the rest. If having problems, why not ask the people who sold you the guitar? And use a capo on the 2nd fret or higher, will not sound good without, strings are likely to rattle. Andrew Listmayer, RockItSciencelabs You know where the boy said the first 2 strings are the same, well that’s the first 2 PAIRS of strings on a 12 string, in 12 string talk: the first 4. It’s not ever easy to tune a 12 string. Chances are you won’t be busting the 5th string now, which I know by heart is a .009 guage in most sets, because they pop so much. For anybody with that problem, before you put your eye out and spend a fortune on replacements or just plain smash the box, .011’s solve the problem of breakage of the 5th string, when tuning in E to A-440. Strat man Dwight

        • #124064

          Still having language problems here. Or is it good tech vs. bad tech. First 4 strings are not the same. In the whole picture, the first 2 are tuned the same as eachother, and the second 2 are tuned the same as eachother. Then there is an octave separation, in the 4 remaining pairs. Ha! I’d rather stick to music and forget english. Andrew

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