Guitarsite Homepage Forums Guitar Discussion Guitar 1960 Airline Supro National Valco Guitar

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  • #25225

    I have a 1960 Airline Supro National Valco Guitar which I inherited from my Grandfather. My uncle had a bit of a problem in the late 80’s and was selling stuff that he found in his parents house. He saw that the case had an amplifier built into it and gutted it, broke the little chrome “Airline” logo off of the body, and left it in its case sitting under a leaky roof. Besides the paint trying to come off, the tone knob being frozen, and the bridge which dissapeared in the 80’s as well being replaced, it plays. I’d like to replace the logo, and possibly the case which suffered irrepairable damage. I’ve found the guitar for sale on eBay and other such websites. I’ve never seen that kind of case again and no vintage parts. Any advice and also if you can appraise a price for it in vintage and current condition I’d appreciate it. if you email me, i can send you a picture.

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