Guitarsite Homepage Forums Discussion Popular Topics 1964 Martin D-18

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  • #20783

    I run a music store on the Fl space coast…I bought an old Martin in rough shape…I gave it to my guitar tech as a gift and told him to fix it up and buy a car…well that time has come…it plays well…still has some damage where someone used it as an axe or something…anyway, I’m trying to help the kid…looking for collectors and/or info and a ballpark price…S/N 206489..(he’s 90% sure on that)..any help or ideas/greatly appreciated….Jim

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    • #89958

      This guitar is now for auction on E bay anyone interested check it out. 4 days to go no reserve met yet

    • #86998

      Honestly unless your going to buy a "Vintage Strat" anyone you buy will need to be engineered to your taste.. this means either excepting the twangyness of the strat or changing one if not all the pickups… I personally added a humbucker to the center pickup to mellow the strat out. I also have my bridge setup low so the fingering is hotter.. as far as buying mexican or american…Mexican for sure.. your gonna use the xtra cash for modifications. The original pickups on the 90s plus strats are cheap. No matter where the guitar is assembled. OR You can pick up for a few bux more than a mexican strat.. and Ibanez s470.. which is a really nice guitar right out of the box for about 6 bills new.

    • #87054

      : I’m an acoustic guitar player and don’t know much about electric ones. I’m interested in buying a nice Stratocaster without really wasting money. Thought of something like $500 – $1000. What models are nice? Is this thing of country of origin really important (I’ve just seen that the American Standard costs twice as much as the Mexican one, don’t know abou the japanese.)? : Thanks a lot.I purchased a 50’2 re-issue. It ran 599.00 at MArs Music in Tampa. The neck had some real poor tuners on it so I bored out the pegts and installed Schallers. Which to my dismay put gouges in the face of the headstock. This did not egffect the playability nor the sound, Just the cosmetics. The re-issue I purchased was a Japanees, which was made of a heavier wood. This was obvious to weigh by hand. The mexican was light, where the Jap was more solid. Since not being happy witht the necks cosmetic trouble I contacted Warmoth Products and had them build a neck for me to my specs. With the late 60’s style headstock, and had it predrilled for Schaller tuners. Which I believe are the class of tuners. The sound is strong and traditional of the strats, and with a effects procesor you can make this baby scream like Malmsteen, Sing like Sheppard or clean and powerful like Blackmore. Well good luck on your journey Bill

    • #87050

      : I’m an acoustic guitar player and don’t know much about electric ones. I’m interested in buying a nice Stratocaster without really wasting money. Thought of something like $500 – $1000. What models are nice? Is this thing of country of origin really important (I’ve just seen that the American Standard costs twice as much as the Mexican one, don’t know abou the japanese.)? : Thanks a lot.

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