Guitarsite Homepage Forums Discussion Popular Topics about mesa boogie 20/20 power amp

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  • #19398

    20/20 mesa power amp is it enough for driving with a band its 22 watt per channel

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    • #29440

      40 watts into a Vintage 30 loaded cabinet is as loud as 80 watts into a standard Marshall cabinet with G12T75s. This is because the Vintage 30s are 3 decibels more efficeint. Hence the speakers really determine how loud 40 watts can sound.

      • #80141

        I have one and if you don’t have enough power with this thing, it just doesn’t make sense to me…I rarely use half the volume it can dish out and I play in a fairly loud alternative band

    • #28781

      : 20/20 mesa power amp is it enough for driving with a band its 22 watt per channel

      The question is – How loud is 22 watts? Answer – VERY LOUD. How many watts does it take to increse the volume by 1db? That is the question. The real answer is dependent on need… you need 100 watts? Is 50 watts enough? Do you play with the volume on 10 to get the tone you need to hear? Do you mike through a P.A.? If so, 22 watts is more than enough.

      Good luck.

      • #81884

        To gain a 3dB increase in SPL you need to double the wattage (power). 3dB is the minimum SPL change noticeable to the human ear. Therefore, if you have a 100watt amp, running at only 30% efficiency, this little 20watter will blow that thing away. Most amps are far overrated, as they wasye more power than produce music.

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